101. Unusual

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"What do you think of the names Hope and Serenity?" I asked the two fathers.

"Huh?" Mitchell was still on a cloud, processing things.

"Hope would be this little one..." I faced the light-skinned, platinum-haired girl. "And your daughter would be Serenity," I said to Mitchell.

It was something of a tradition in my family to name kids after virtues, feelings, or aspirations. My mom was Mercy and my Grandma was Joy. My great-uncle was Creed and my aunts were Faith and Felicity. 

"My daughter is serene? Even though she's mine?" Mitchell hardly knew what he was saying at this point.

"You don't like it..." Thinking he didn't like the name, I felt a little disappointed. I thought a lot about it during my pregnancy. There was also the runner-up name, but I think she's a Serenity.

Mitchell tore his eyes off his daughter for the first time since he realized she was his. "No, it's a beautiful name." He really thought so.

I smiled warmly as my heart eased. "What do you think of Hope?" I asked Harvey.

Harvey returned that warm smile. "I think it's lovely." Hope. His daughter would be Hope.

"So..." Mitchell was finally coming off the high he'd been on. "How'd this happen again?" He went back to admiring his little cub. She reached her hand out and he gently poked it. He almost made a happy noise when she wrapped her tiny hand around his finger.

I sighed. "I'm not really sure. I don't think I've ever heard of twins having two different fathers before..."

Thinking about it...There was definitely a night I was with Mitchell and with Harvey the next morning... It wasn't exactly a rare occurrence to be with one and then another. But I didn't know this could happen. Could it just be a beastman thing?

Then again, polyamorous relationships were not the most accepted kind where I was from. If this was something that did happen, would that kind of news be flaunted? Probably not.

Putting aside that question, our family now had two healthy daughters and I made it through labor without serious complications.

"Harvey," I called.

"Yes?" Harvey stared up at Grace from his crouched position. "Do you want me to hold one?" His voice held an an undeniable hope. It showed on his face too.

"Ah!" Mitchell forgot that was an option. Could he hold her? Was that allowed? What if he squashed her tiny body by accident?

Mitchell deflated and stuck to his current position. His finger was still being held hostage, but he didn't mind.

I shook my head but still offered Hope to him. He took her deftly, showing that he had handled newborn girls in the past. "You did amazing." That's what I wanted to say.

Harvey paused. While he was getting more used to words of praise thanks to Grace's efforts, it still hit him deep in his heart. "You were more so."

I cleared my throat, feeling a little overwhelmed. "We both did."

Mitchell coughed. "I kept the ape in line."

I snorted, but let the comment stand. I wasn't ready to start a petty fight.

"But..." Mitchell looked away from his trapped finger. "You did... you're strong."

Now, I really didn't expect that.

Mitchell hadn't known how rough birth could be until now. Scorpions eggs weren't nearly so difficult or hard to bring into the world.

"Thanks." I looked down at my; no, our baby feeling a little warmer. It was nice to be acknowledged like that.

The babies finally showed an interest in food and I fed them. It was kind of surreal to have human babies now after breastfeeding wolves and tigers. I think my sense of normal might be thoroughly skewed.


The room was scrubbed clean. Although a few sensitive noses said it still smelled strongly of birth still, I couldn't really care. The guys could handle it if it bothered them.

It took me a surprising amount of time to fall asleep, but it wasn't more than a few hours. I'm assuming the crystals I took were responsible for keeping me up.

No one wanted me to do anything anyway, so I watched and listened as Harvey gave careful instructions to the rest about how to properly hold a fragile female child.

I felt alien for an alarming moment, but the feeling faded mostly. I don't know where that came from and decided it was best to ignore it for now. Instead, I focused on burping each girl.

Harvey heard the cries and took Hope while I focused on burping Serenity. I was gifted with a little spit-up for my troubles, but I didn't mind it. This was my daughter and I could hold her, help her, raise her, and watch her grow. Spit-up was nothing compared to the long road ahead. If I wasn't so weary, I'm sure I would be looking at it with rosy glasses and blushing cheeks.

After their mate fell asleep, Shuu quickly exited the room to search for the now-missing male cubs. The adults were all so busy with Grace and the newborns that they forgot to keep hold of their energetic cubs.

Shuu didn't want to upset Grace, especially since she probably assumed he and the rest had things under control. Or maybe, she was too tired to think of anything else. Whichever it was, Shuu's footsteps quickened as he made his way down the hall that had the freshest scent.

He didn't have to go far and was relieved to find his cubs with Jason. The tiger cubs were absent, but Shuu was not as worried about them. Grey and Blue were both sharp for their age. Strong too. They could handle themselves for a short time and were far less likely to find trouble, unlike his cubs.

The five cubs looked up at their father from the dog pile they were currently in. Jason stood up, causing the five pups to fall off his much larger tiger form.

Shuu nodded at the male, feeling embarrassed. Relying on another male so often to take care of his cubs was...not preferred. He could stand it if it was one of Grace's mates, but not a non-family member. His pride was wounded.

"Jason." Shuu's tone was colder than usual. Not surprising considering his hands still reeked of his mate's blood despite him having washed them already. He'd need to do a better job later. "I will take them."

Jason nodded and shifted. After fastening his simple skirt around his waist, he settled a questioning gaze on Shuu. Jason wanted to ask how the tiger queen was doing. Since the castle had not been raised, he knew she had not died in childbirth, but he was still concerned.

Shuu either didn't catch his look or had no intention of answering, as the wolf male took his cubs and left.

Jason did not have to wonder long, as his king came to him soon after. Winston then announced the successful birth of the princesses, although, he didn't say who the sire was. Jason was naturally curious, but he tapered those feelings down. He'd find out one day. And regardless of who the father was, his role wouldn't change.

Winston announced to the castle that his mate and her female cubs were healthy and well. Cheers shook the castle prompting Winston to threaten them into silence. Their queen needed her rest and the beasts complied. 

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