72. Reunion

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Rewards were discussed immediately and distributed based on contribution and the ape king gave a congratulatory speech.

Out of the 72 who returned alive, there were 7 new tri-striped beasts. The four eagles that had only one mark now had two. No tri-striped achieved four marks.

The highest contribution went to Muir and Bart. Though almost every beast that went on this trip killed at least one colossal solo. They took as long as they did because they had to hunt multiple herds down.

A total of 112 crystals were brought back making the hunt a major success. Shouts of elation blasted the eardrums of all present.

Of those crystals, the ape king received 10 for being the organizer and the one to point them in the direction of the first herd. The leopard king received 14 from his guards' participation. The wolf king claimed 31 for his castle and the rest was Muir's and the tiger clan's.

We had 57 crystals to work with now and I couldn't help but grin. I found Muir and gave him a hug that he returned. I thought we would get onto the welcoming, but there was a surprise waiting for me.

"You always did like the transparent crystals."

I froze and Muir tensed up. It had felt like forever since I heard that voice. "And?" I said without lifting my face up. I didn't want to expose the smile I felt tugging at my lips. "Your point is...?"

Mitchell sulked at the lack of response. He thought surprising her would be fun, but he seemed to have failed. At least he had one more thing to try. "I see, so you don't like them anymore?"

He shook the pouch he held letting it jingle. His lips rose slowly as Grace's head lifted up. Her eyes met his briefly before they traveled to his bag. With a laugh, he gave it another jingle for effect. Mitchell watched Grace's face light up with color, but his amusement was interrupted.

Bard coughed once, then twice to capture the attention of the scorpion male. Whether he was ignorant of the hostility aimed at him now or purposefully ignoring it, Bard couldn't say. But he wanted to diffuse any tension since this was a joyous day for the city. Well...that wasn't the real reason, but it was one all-the-less.

"The city becomes stronger every day," Bard announced, ignoring the dull look the scorpion gave him. "And as today is a day where our warriors proved that to be true, we shall hold a banquet."

The crowd roared. Most were excited, but some were unsure. They hadn't forgotten how a scorpion killed many of their own not long ago. So the presence of the tetra-marked one was not so easily accepted.

Muir wished Grace's attention hadn't been stolen by the scorpion. His sharp eyes held the tiniest hint of animosity that he couldn't keep from slipping through. No matter how many times he shook off the scorpion or thought he finally rid himself of him, Mitchell crawled back up from who-knows-where.

Mitchell returned Muir's look with a smirk. He hadn't forgotten the underhanded tactics the eagle used on him. If he was any less durable, he could've died. Did Grace know her eagle wasn't respecting her wishes or...? His smirk widened watching the eagle's face twitch.

Mitchell had no intention of squealing on the devious bird now, but Muir didn't know that. How could he not take this chance to mess with him?

You would have to be blind to miss that something happened between the two of them, and I wasn't blind. Not to mention, my little peeping vision found some snippets of conversations. But whatever happened between them, must've happened in the daytime because I never caught exactly what happened.

I kicked the doubt that tried to worm its way into my heart out and focused on the feeling of having all family members accounted for.

The banquet was to be held at dusk due to the heat and everyone left to prepare. I let Muir go only to find myself swept up in a cool embrace.

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