80. Another Proposal

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I wiped the sweat off my palms, feeling nervous for the first time in a while. I don't know why I was. This wasn't the first time I proposed marriage. Hell, all of my proposals started with me. Even Mitchell.

Was it because my family was secure now? I didn't have a strong need to bring Cooper into my family. We were okay. Even if Curtis up and disappeared from my life, I'd still be okay. Cooper was my first choice without necessity attached to his and my strings. Which now presents me with a moral dilemma. I wasn't in love with him, but I'd be taking him as a spouse until death do us part. And I didn't have to.

I didn't have to further decrease the time I got to spend with my current mates by bringing someone else into the picture, but I was. And that made me hesitate. Was this really the right thing to do? For me and for us?

I thought back to the conversation I had with my family. They were okay with it. And tying myself to Cooper with connect me to the leopard queen and king. It would solidify our relationship as allies, essentially. There were also the potential threats that may or may not exist in the world. I may be currently protected enough, but what about my cubs and future cubs?

Aside from practicing abstinence—which I don't think the majority of my spouses will like—there is no other form of reliable birth control. And even if there was, I still made a promise to give each of my mates a chance for a litter if they wanted it. Not that I've discussed that with Mitchell exactly...

I was getting off track. There were benefits to taking Cooper as a mate besides the fact that I like his personality, and that was enough reason to give me the push I needed to go forward with this. Well other than making those eyes of his light up.

Cooper was fending off a persistent tiger when Grace and Winston appeared. The tiger immediately dropped its posture and bowed to his king and queen.

"I have business with Cooper," I said cooly.

The tiger took the hint and slunk off. Cooper shifted and fidgeted where he stood. Did he do something wrong?

I stared at eyes that reminded me of sunflowers and spoke directly. "Cooper, would you like to become my mate?"

Cooper quit breathing. Had he been out in the sun too long? Was his duel more taxing than he thought? It wouldn't be the first time in his life that he hallucinated.


"Yes! But are you really Grace?"

Winston growled, not understanding what the male was implying. Grace's hand on his arm silenced him.

"I am." I couldn't help but feel amused and touched at the same time.

Cooper grew excited. "I-I got approval then?" he glanced at Winston, then Grace, his eyes still wide and dazed.

Winston nodded, and I agreed. "You did."

"Oh... Oh! That's great!" It was finally starting to sink in for him. "Can I come with you now? M-Maybe that's too soon. Is it?"

I almost giggled but managed not to. "You can come. I can't promise mating will happen soon, but you can enter the castle's third floor."

Cooper ecstatically accompanied Grace back to the castle. The reality of his acceptance solidified as Winston informed the guards that he was now allowed in as a member of the family.

I assigned Cooper a free room, not wanting to bring him in right away. I wanted my mates and cubs to get to know him more and grow comfortable around him first. He didn't complain or insist, not that I thought he would.

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