46. Brewing Storm

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The rainy season eventually came upon us, and following the first storm, I experienced a nightmare. But this was not a common nightmare, but a real vision of what was happening.

I didn't know how or why, but Mitchell was crawling on the ground coughing. I tried to ask what happened, but nothing came out of my mouth. It was hard to talk when I didn't have a mouth to speak with.

I hyper-focused on Mitchell's surroundings and his voice. The occasional muttering of my name sent shivers down my spine. Something was wrong, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I willed whatever power this was to do something; anything. The desperation in Mitchell's tone was not something I was used to hearing.


His tone held both pain and curiosity. I continued to pull at the bond.

"The bond? Did he already make it to the city? No, that's too fast." Mitchell ground out.

His words only increased my fear. 'Is St. Zachary coming? Mitchell. Hey, Mitchell!'

"Grace?" he questioned.

"Grace!?" That wasn't Mitchell's voice.

I sat straight up, knocking my forehead hard against Shuu's. I clutched my head while Shuu apologized profusely.

Harvey left the water he was boiling and came back by Grace's side. He checked her red forehead and gave Shuu a withering look that didn't suit the kind healer.

Winston remained on guard, pushing his senses to their maximum, but he detected no threats.

"Grace," Harvey started, "are you alright? You were using beast pressure in your sleep."

"We might need to go. I think St. Zachary is coming." My heart pounded erratically. We needed to go. "We need to warn the city." This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Easy, Grace." Harvey tried to keep his voice steady despite his tenseness. "What did you see?"

I explained the limited information I gleaned from Mitchell. It really wasn't a lot to go on, but they saw it as enough to act on it.

Winston growled finding it unacceptable that Muir was not here. But he could do nothing about that right now.

Shuu was the first to offer to inform the city. "I will go warn my father."

I nodded and gave him permission. "Suggest that the ape king use his abilities to check first before sounding any kind of alarm." My mind raced, trying to put together some kind of plan quickly. "If you aren't back within a day, Winston will come and take you back."

"How much should I tell them?" Shuu's panic turned to resolute acceptance.

"Tell them that Mitchell gave me a warning. Stress St. Zachary's five-striped status and goal. Leave out my dreams and stripe if you can, but don't get yourself caught in any lies." That would only complicate things. "Only mention it if you think there is no other way for him to take this seriously."

Shuu nodded and turned to leave, but I stopped him. "Winston, Harvey, is there anything to add?"

Winston had something to say. "Don't let him think that Grace is responsible for bringing that scorpion here."

Harvey nodded. "If anything, it's because she has a scorpion mate that she was able to come by this information."

My stomach churned, but I tried to remain calm. I can't let myself get too worked up. High blood pressure is bad for the babies.

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