103. Departure

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Although Grace had her struggles, she wasn't alone. Her family got first-hand experience in child-rearing, and it was nothing like raising male cubs...

"Where's the 'diaper'?" Asked Curtis with a scowl. It hadn't been long since Hope had fouled up the fresh, cotton diaper of hers, but Curtis had a great sense of smell. Too good for times like these.

"He-here!" Cooper grabbed one and handed it over quickly. Although his fear of Curtis was gone, he was still pretty intimidated by the snake male.

Curtis took the cloth and tended to Hope quickly. His work was fast and sloppy due to his disinterest. He'd be more inclined to like the smelly, fragile, and noisy cubs if Grace did too. But Grace's smiles had been more forced than not, so Curtis didn't feel the need.

Just because he wasn't keen on the female cubs, didn't mean he wouldn't take care of them. Grace always looked genuinely grateful when he took care of Hope. And he had to sometimes.

Well, he didn't have to, since Cooper was always around, even if Harvey wasn't. But Curtis liked being the subject of Grace's gratitude.

Serenity was always cared for by the surprisingly diligent Mitchell and the attached Shuu. Curtis rarely had a chance to interact with the cub. Cooper deferred to him always and never challenged him, leaving Harvey and Muir to contend for the honor of caring for the other female cub.

Harvey—while he was a great father to his daughter—was frequently busy drying the last of the herbs or seeing patients that fell to heatstroke. Winston took the role of imparting as much training as he could onto the male cubs before they had to leave, as well as managing the beasts that would follow them.

Winston still found opportunities to spend time with Hope and Serenity, although it wasn't as often as the others. He hoped that he would be able to seize more opportunities to do so once they made it to their village.

Grace only had to lift her fingers to feed and to sometimes calm her daughters, but never for anything else. Her mates made things almost too easy. But that was hardly something she would ever complain about. Especially since she was busy wrestling with herself most days.

Two months after Hope and Serenity were born, and at the end of the hot season, they all prepared for their departure...

"It really is time." I stared at the castle, that had been my home for some time, as my wolf boys failed to keep their excitement in check. They ran around everyone gathered, occasionally running into those that gathered. Good thing those here were either tolerant or too afraid of Winston to say anything. I will have to have a talk with the pups later anyway.

Winston finished organizing his party just as the sun began its ascent. The faintest light was cast upon the clear sky, signaling that the time to leave had come. "Yes. Are you alright?" Winston asked as his heart pinged with an ache. He had no attachment to the castle or city, but it seemed his mate did.

I looked around the entrance of the castle. It was bustling with activity here, but the city had become a ghost town. It was hard to believe that this place would become a river of lava, but I knew better than to doubt.

"Yeah." I didn't say anything else and instead gave Winston a firm and hopefully comforting hug.

The discomfort in Winston's chest grew but he said nothing about it. There was nothing to say. They had to go.

"Stay safe," I uttered into his bare chest.

Winston chuffed softly as he embraced Grace. "We will and so will you."

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