120. What I Wanted

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This summer was fun. Not in a sarcastic way, but truly. Sure the girls kept me on my feet and the boys on my toes, but it was so rewarding to have such a laid-back time.

I thought it would be harder to whip the village into shape and organize all I felt was important, but surprisingly, it wasn't. Capable hands took the reins on every project and Winston learned how to delegate.

Arthur was the head of security whenever Winston and Shuu weren't around. Sieg had the cove security mostly under control. Muir was on sky patrol and could use extra help there, but worked hard to fill the gap.

Winston and Shuu drafted better patrol rotations and prepared to trade salt. Harvey had diligently trained his two apprentices and I taught classes or held creative workshops once a week.

Cooper had a wonderful garden going and was starting a community one that other males could help take care of. Most of the males will not eat vegetables, but herbs were becoming popular to cook with.

Mitchell was a king in name alone (pretty much) and was instead the equivalent of a stay-at-home parent. He had to be dragged away for sparring sessions that Winston and Curtis made him participate in and didn't do much in the way of village work.

As for the other important pillars that held the village together—the females, they were doing well although not contributing much outside of their families.

Nora didn't want therapy and neither did Qin, but both were coming into their own and showing change. Qin couldn't be considered friendly, but she was becoming more approachable while being open to trying new things.

Nora was still quite fixated on strength, but she wasn't lashing out or rejecting the opposite gender as fiercely as before. She even started routinely sparring with a two-striped scorpion male who seemed to help vent her misplaced anger successfully as his durable skin couldn't be injured by her spear.

Bai Qingqing raised her new tiger cubs while her family thwarted any additional suitors. Bai Qingqing rarely stepped up to discourage this and I was past the time and duty to interfere. If she was happy with her current arrangements, then I would say nothing.

While no new inventions were made, I don't think Bai Qingqing was quitting. Just like me, we both got involved more with raising our kids. That was nothing to feel upset about, quite the opposite.

"Hey, Grace. What are you thinking about?" Mitchell asked without a care as he lounged on some cushions. "And when can we start watching spars again?"

I was yanked out of my thoughts and tore my eyes away from the scenery out the window. "How far things have come already. And we aren't taking the girls back to watch. You know how hard it's been to keep them from hitting their brothers."

"But you said something about it being fine before..." Michell played with the ends of his hair. They were glued together with Serenity's slobber. Why was it his hair that had to be used for teething?

"And I was wrong. It'll be much easier to explain to them why sparring is okay when they are older. They don't understand now why they can't copy what they see." I sighed and waited for more badgering on the subject, but it didn't come.

"Hmm." Mitchell decided to wash his hair quickly. He fetched the closest bowl of clean water and started working through the dried spit. "Are you giving up the spear too? You haven't used it much."

I got up and cracked my back as I stood. "I really don't think it's for me." Quite frankly, I couldn't get comfortable with it at all. "Maybe I could make a baseball bat instead..."

"Baseball?" Mitchell asked as he dumped the bowl of dirty water out the window.

"Yeah, it's a shape like this." I used my fingers and hands to show the shape as we discussed its uses. I ended up with one the next day.

The bat was up my alley as it was so much easier to use than a spear. It was a bit of a rough job since Mitchell was the one who made it, but I was grateful anyway. "Thanks, Mitchell."

It wasn't often that he received sincere thanks from his mate. The reason for the lack of was probably his fault, but he rarely admitted to that. And this time, he'd done nothing to ruin the mood. With warm cheeks, Mitchell proudly bragged, "I'm pretty skilled of course."

I found my eyes rolling. "Yeah, sure."

"I am."

"I agreed with you."

"But it sounded like you weren't."

My brows raised. "Are you picking a fight?"

Mitchell coughed. "Aren't you the one picking the fight?"

The exchange was not charged at all and I shrugged. "No, but I'm sure I would've won." Childish, I know, but it was all in good fun.

"You? Don't you mean mean me?" Mitchell said haughtily with an edge of disbelief.

Harvey walked in with Hope in his arms. He said nothing and let the two go at it. It was wonderful to see Grace so happy and bright.

Their family had also been peaceful. The few spats that came up were often settled quickly and never really got out of hand. Everyone had their roles on top of regular training that helped manage their energy levels.

Aside from the issue of the merfolk coming for Qin, there was no matter that lingered on their minds. They were all physically healthy and well-nourished. Harvey couldn't ask for more.


Off in the woodlands, Winston observed his cubs as they hunted. They were almost three years old now and he felt it was time to work on their independence.

Naturally, he nor their mother planned to neglect caring for them. But Winston knew his children and the habits they were already developing. They were easily bored and wanderers. They seldom stayed in one place too long aside from sleeping.

Keeping an eye on them at all times will become increasingly harder as they grow. That's why Winston planned to equip them with the skills needed for independent actions.

They were virtually fully grown for their current phase of life and wouldn't likely experience much more growth until maturity. Their bodies could absolutely handle the training he was putting them through and Grace did not object.

Winston was also very pleased with the growth of their minds. They took orders well and could communicate with him quite clearly, although, their ability to comprehend consequences was still lacking greatly. So Winston would drill the things they should and shouldn't do until they became thoughtless habits. That's how he could protect his cubs from the dangers he might not be there to thwart.

Once his cubs learned to hunt efficiently and solo, he would start them on sparring. Based on their current skills, he didn't think it would be long.

With a sparkle in his eyes, Winston proudly praised Grey who brought down a healthy fawn. "You jumped a little soon, but you were able to react quick enough to still catch it. Good job."

Grey stood taller as he dragged his kill forward. The praise made his heart feel big and warm.

Blue also wished to be praised and insisted on continuing the hunt.

Winston's firm expression softened with a smile as he let his cub lead the way. 

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