127. Unquestionable Success

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Parker returned right before the hunting squad as the first rains of the heavy-rainy season began. He bore four marks and brought home a small bag of crystals. He had used most on himself to level up but spared some.

Parker looked through the whole village despite knowing Qingqing wouldn't be there. His heart hurt greatly to return to a home that didn't have his mate in it.

He was greeted by Song and Bei'he. Parker's spirit was low as he tossed the bag of crystals at Song's feet. He was reluctant to share, but he didn't want Qingqing upset with him for leaving her daughter with the weakest of her mates.

"Use these and get stronger," he said with less passion and strength than usual to Song. Since Shane had his third mark now, only Song was stuck at two.

Song did not stand on ceremony and took six of the crystals immediately. He left the other half for emergencies. His body burned terribly from the excessive energy, but it wasn't enough to force a level-up.

Parker clicked his tongue. He felt like he wasted precious resources. Song was laid out on the floor, disappointed in himself. He'd have to try harder.

"After I check on my cubs, I'm leaving again," Parker announced.

Gordon walked in carrying a gutted stag. "Parker, you're back. Song, what's wrong?" He glanced at the downed male and cautiously assessed the situation.

"Not for long," said Parker. "And he ate the crystals I brought back."

Gordon frowned. "We should alternate. I'll go next." Gordon helped Song up off the ground. He searched for a third mark on Song's face that wasn't there.

Parker snorted. Like he'd let Gordon rise higher than him. Parker planned to have some alone time with Qingqing when he arrived to the place called Earth first. "I'm already four marks. I can hunt faster. It's better that I go."

Gordon remained firm in his stance that they should rotate responsibilities, but Parker was just as stubborn. They fought. Their mate wasn't there to stop them, so it was inevitable. Gordon, being three marks, lost to the newly tetra-marked male. Although, for Gordon's part, he put up a damn good fight.

"I'm the boss now," Parker said after wiping the blood from his chin. "I'll hunt colossus and bring back half the crystals. You guys take care of the cubs and train with the villagers to get stronger."

Shane disagreed and challenged Parker. He thought the fight with Gordon would've been enough to tire Parker out, but Shane still lost.

Parker huffed and growled at the beaten wolf male. "Think you could face me, huh? Think again." It was evident that Parker was quite arrogant thanks to his power up. He was also venting his frustration at not being here when Qingqing left.

The family had no choice but to concede and Parker went to talk to his cubs. He needed to train them a little in case Qingqing asked about them.

"Is Qingqing really gone?"

Parker stopped in his tracks and turned to the one who spoke.

A face almost identical to Parker's stared back. Standing next to him was another look-a-like. The leopards Memi had sent included the two brothers of Cooper and Parker's litter. They had been influenced by Parker's and Cooper's feelings for their mates and were drawn to them. They ended up pursuing Bai Qingqing, instead of Grace, due to the great divide in power between them and Grace's mates.

"She's not here." The hurt in Parker's voice was clear. "I thought I taught you a good lesson last time."

The two looked around sheepishly. "Yeah, we know. But we were worried."

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