104. Arrival

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The moment Winston's large, tiger form came into view was the moment all the tension in my body evaporated.

With a small smile, I whispered, "Finally."

My attempts to keep quiet were ruined by a few in the group announcing their arrival via obnoxious roaring.

Cue screaming babies...

I whipped my head around to glare at the guards, my eye bags emphasizing the look of fury I was sending their way.

The males shut up fast and took a few steps away from the tiger queen. The majority had enough of a conscience to feel guilty.

From there, things got chaotic as the village of rootless beasts got their first looks at their small but ferocious leader and benefactor. Given how they lived—the weak dominated by the strong—they formed great expectations for the future.

Once I calmed the girls down, I handed them off to Mitchell who had his arms out and waiting. The onlookers were obviously stunned by this, but I wasn't interested in their mental crises. I wrapped Winston in a hug and gave a simple greeting to the villagers that gathered.

"I'm Grace, the tiger queen, and the one who had this village built." I didn't mince my words and kept it short. "The rules have been made clear. You follow them and you can stay peacefully, enjoying the benefits of this village. Break them and you will pay for it." I threw in a tired smile at the end to lighten up the tension.

The rootless beasts and scorpions grinned. They were accepted (in their heads) and their female leader liked feral beasts (the wrong conclusion they came to). And there were now three mature females and two young ones in their village, making them a real village. Those who hadn't had a sense of belonging in ages felt the pangs of relief deep in their hearts. Along with that feeling, came longing for another chance and reverence for the one that provided them that chance.

Grace's family noticed the shift in the attitudes of the beasts around them. They paused long enough to note which ones had set their sights on their mate and which ones had not been moved by Grace's ideal and presence.

Without further delay, Winston took me to our new home. In spite of my best efforts to remain awake and attentive, my conscience drifted away in Winston's warm arms.

Shuu followed closely behind as he did what his tired mate could not: observe the surroundings closely. While he was excited to be in this new environment, the feeling was tempered by his caution.

Curtis went ahead and made sure no nosy beasts were poking around where they shouldn't and briefly separated from his mate. After combing the harsh and jagged slopes of the cliffside and the seaside below it, he returned to Grace's side and didn't leave it again.

Cooper collapsed on the floor and immediately fell asleep where he landed. The male cubs of the family joined Cooper in a heap. They hadn't even bothered to make it to either bedroom. The living room filled up, causing the large space feel much cozier.

Harvey wanted to do exactly as Cooper had but held on. He needed to check on his family's health and maybe the two females that arrived before them. He'd also need to unpack herbs and prepare water...

Harvey checked out the place that was now his home, finding clean water already prepared. His eyes followed Winston's broad back and he tucked his chin down in acknowledgment.

Shuu placed his hand on Harvey's shoulder. "Check Grace. I'll prepare a change of clothes."

The order felt natural to both males. While Winston was the de facto head male of their family, Shuu took to the role of leader to fill in any perceived holes.

Harvey did as he was told and confirmed that Grace was as exhausted as she appeared. He left the dimly lit, but well-furnished room behind and met Mitchell in the living room.

Mitchell was used to holding and caring for Serenity, but not Hope. That said, he didn't care that she was foisted onto him. In fact, he was very proud. His gloating expression showed as much.

Grace has shown him favor in front of the village by giving him the honor of taking the female cubs—who are the most precious existences outside of the mother who birthed them. At least, that was how most of society saw that. So yeah, he was favored and the village knew it.

Everyone except Harvey ignored Mitchell's happy self. More accurately, Harvey was interested in the two bundles Mitchell carried and had no time or energy to spare for a healthy male.

Mitchell misunderstood and hugged the two cubs closer to his chest. His half-questioning, half-playful gaze seemed to dare Harvey to take them away.

Thankfully, Harvey was an easy and calming person who had no interest in games. "Checkup," he said lightly.

Mitchell dropped his quirked eyebrow and let the healer do his thing. Since he was holding Hope, who he normally couldn't, he watched her closely.

She was so different compared to his own daughter. They were like night and day. Well, maybe not that drastically different, but it was close.

Serenity wasn't as dark as he was, but she was still much darker than Hope. Hope's hair was also way lighter—even lighter than Harvey's. It looked like snow that was bathed in sunlight.

But his daughter didn't lose out. In his eyes, Serenity was prettier. He liked her eyes the most. Not because they so closely resembled his (according to Grace). Not at all...

But Hope's skin was so pale that the rosiness of her cheeks was far more noticeable than Serenity's.

...Maybe one poke couldn't hurt. It wouldn't mean he favored the other cub more.

But he was unable to do what he wanted. Thus, he understood Grace's biggest (his opinion) dilemma. If both hands were full holding cubs, he can't poke either one (read: show affection). They couldn't squeeze his fingers either.

Mitchell's dilemma was missed or ignored by Harvey who was debating leaving to check on the other two females. It was Mitchell, that snapped out of his stupor, who stopped him.

"I'm not asking this because I doubt her strength..." Worry edged its way into his voice. "But...is she okay?"

Harvey didn't have to ask who 'she' was. "Yes. Just very tired from the trip."

Mitchell didn't sigh aloud, but he was relieved.

With no further questions, Harvey went to leave...only to be stopped again.

"Uh, uh, uhh. If somebody needs you, they'll come find you," Mitchell said quietly.

Surprised that it was Mitchell of all beasts who was stopping him, Harvey hesitated. It was...weird he decided. Mitchell was neither soft nor kind. The look on his face must've shown his confusion.

Mitchell clicked his tongue. "Grace'll be pissed if she finds out you immediately went to work."

That was hard for Harvey to argue with. Especially since it wasn't untrue. He still found it funny that Mitchell was the one saying it.

Winston walked out then, and in the quietest voice he could manage, he agreed. "Mitchell is right. You need to rest. There are no emergencies."

Mitchell's brows shot up. "I'm right?" Then his face relaxed. "Of course, I'm right." He was smug until his too-loud voice woke Serenity.

Winston and Harvey stiffened, waiting for the inevitable wails. Mitchell cooed in a broken voice, mimicking Grace, to keep Serenity calm.

He failed and she screamed. Harvey and Winston sighed deeply in regret as Hope soon joined her sister.

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