48. Pardon?

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When Shuu told me about Curtis coming around, I could only sigh. I'm sure I made myself quite clear. I underestimated Curtis's stubbornness.

Shuu finished recounting what happened, and I stood agape. For the first time in a long while, I was completely shocked. Curtis pulled his punches? The same snake who flattened Parker over petty comments? The very one who ate someone's children because he was grumpy and hungry? The one who listened with his ass and butthurt feelings, but rarely with his ears?

"I'll be damned," I muttered.

Was he serious? Was I going to have a bloody red stalker on my tail now? Did I need to run from him and St. Zachary?

"Grace?" Shuu questioned while Harvey rubbed her back.

"What is your opinion, Shuu? Did he seem hostile?" I would like to handle one threat at a time, please.

Shuu opened and closed his mouth. "I think he told the truth." And Shuu wished he could tell a lie to Grace. But that was a lie that would only make him feel better. It wouldn't make the snake go away.

I know they say communicating is the key to any relationship, but do I have to do it more?

"Thank you, Shuu." I gave him some pets. "Let me know if he comes back."

Not even a few hours later. "Grace...he's back."

I put my palm to my forehead and took a deep breath. "He's out there?"

"On the outskirts."

"Alright. Can we go?"

Shuu stiffened up, but Harvey expected that request.

"If he wanted to force it, he would've already. He's probably figured out that Winston isn't here. He could've tried." I don't want to go out there, but letting this issue fester is going to bring about more stress and trouble than it's worth.

"...Promise me you won't approach him. Please?" Shuu begged with a downcast expression full of worry.

"I won't. I promise."


"Curtis..." I tiredly greeted him from behind a wall of furry bodies.

Curtis did not like being so far away. His tail itched to toss aside the males present, but he remembered what one of the males he questioned said. "F-f-females d-don't like s-scary, violent m-males. K-killing can s-scare them."

That male happened to be a sheep male, but Curtis didn't assume his words didn't apply to all females. Grace even said she didn't like her mates hurt. That sheep male was probably correct.

"Grace." He liked the sound of her name but wished he could call her by something that was only his.

"Thank you for your warning, but why have you come back?"

Here it was. Curtis had prepared for this moment even if her guarded words of gratitude surprised him. "Guardian beast."


"I'll be your guardian beast." Did he say something wrong? Or was the information from the stray wolf male he caught wrong?

For the record, I wasn't the only one shocked speechless.

"Do you know what a guardian beast even is, feral?" asked one leopard incredulously.

Curtis shot the male a withering glare that had the male cowering. "A beast that protects a female for the rest of their lives."

B+Bs: To Stand In A Beast's WorldWhere stories live. Discover now