26. Leopard Mark

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It's a short chapter today.  I had hoped to turn it into a smut scene, but my brain has said nope during all four of my attempts.  It's the perfect opportunity too, but my thinker is being lame... ~sigh~ 

I took a full day of rest and found the right mood the following morning. Sending Shuu and Muir out was easy, but asking for Harvey was strangely hard. I pushed the nerves down and went for it.

Harvey had to be redder than me. That shy and unsure look did something funny to my stomach.

I led because Harvey was struggling more than me. I had him lay down and received a critical hit. The way his hair splayed around him and how he looked up at me made me feel hot.

I had a feeling, but I didn't confirm it until I kissed him. It was a spark—the spark. The one that romance movies and books love to talk about. The thing I hadn't really believed in before. That explained why my heart was messing with me like it did.

I liked Harvey. I really liked him. And when I realized that, something stronger than fear overwhelmed all the caution in me and took my restraints with it. I wasn't surprised when it took no effort on Harvey's part for me to be ready for him.

The morning became afternoon before we had to stop. We were both sweating buckets, though I barely felt the heat. I did, however, feel lightheaded.

Harvey and I laid in a heap until we stopped breathing so hard. My sweaty palm lay on his his sweaty chest as I fully absorbed what just happened.

Once Muir's sensitive hearing picked up the slowing of Grace's breath, he let himself in without asking. He carried a bowl of lukewarm water and a rag with him.

I felt the wet rag on the bag of my neck and jerked forward. Since I was plastered against Harvey, I didn't get far.

Harvey shivered as Grace's leg pressed into his member, but could not insist on more.

"Muir!?" I swear I've done good at adapting to my circumstances, but I'm really not sure when it'll feel normal for one mate to bathe me right after doing the deed with another.

"Yes?" Muir did not stop. He always cleaned Grace up after they mated. And while Harvey had as much of, if not more, right to do so now, he wasn't willing to give up the honor. Not unless he was beaten to it. His eyes took in the new leopard mark on her back, but did not focus on it.

I let Harvey go and sat up. I reflexively covered my chest, even though it made no difference to these two.

Muir's hand froze as he appreciated the beautiful back of his mate that glistened with dampness.

I had planned to take the rag from Muir after I caught him looking at me like he wanted to have a go. I was too hot and spent for that.

"Muir, I can do it."

Grace snapped him out of it. "Please, let me?" He had found that Grace was weak to requests and had no problem exploiting that.

I wanted to agree. Muir doesn't usually ask for much, but I wasn't willing today. I chose to compromise instead. "Just the back."

Muir could accept that.

Harvey hadn't moved yet. His body was physically well, but his eyes were glued on a gold mark that flashed when Grace twisted her body to face Muir. When it disappeared from his view, his eyes found Grace's.

"Harvey?" I fidgeted a little. "Everything okay?"

Everything was so much more than okay, but Harvey did not have the words to express it. "...I-everything is-I'm great. No, amazing. Y-you are..." Harvey turned red from his complete lack of eloquence.

I felt my face get a little hotter. "O-oh...That's good..."

Muir squeezed the rag a little tighter as his mood dropped. He felt like he was intruding somehow. With a drawn face, he placed the rag in the bowl. With great hesitation, he left and gave the two some privacy.

Harvey finally caught his tongue and organized his thoughts. "Can I help?" His eyes fell to the bowl before rising to meat Grace's eyes.

I was going to say no, but I found myself unable to. Instead, I let Harvey wipe my back despite Muir having already done that.

I heard his breath hitch. "Harvey?" I felt his fingers on my back and shuddered. I reminded myself that we were done for the day.

"The mark..." His voice expressed his awe perfectly. It wasn't on her chest, but it was still on her heart.

"The mark?" It must've been where Harvey was touching, but I checked my front anyway. No leopard mark.

"It's..." His voice trembled with feeling. "Thank you."

I had an urge to tell him that he didn't need to thank me, but his tone of voice made me not.

I smiled as my face relaxed. I'm happy I waited after all. 

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