113. Jed's Pain

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In a village, almost thirty days travel from Grace Village, around the end of spring...

"Ape King, the male, Jed, asks for an audience," said a guard.

Bard blew out a puff of air and muttered, "Again?" How many times must he tell the ape that his mate is not interested in him?

"Should I send him away?" asked the guard.

Bard looked around the humble cabin he was using in place of a castle. It was lacking entirely right now, but one day, he will have a true castle.

If he ever saw Grace again, he might have to thank her for that little contest she held that year. Thanks to it, he had some idea on where to start.

"Ape King?"

Bard waved his hand. "No, actually, tell him to meet me at my den." It was better to crush the male's hopes once and for all, but he wouldn't be the one to do that.

"I will," answered the guard.

The ape king stood up from his wooden throne feeling heavy. He was tired from all the work he was putting into the village. King's Village was its name although, only two kings resided in it. He had rekindled contact with Bart in an attempt to bolster the village's ability and succeeded in bringing the male to his side.

Rosa was a little more humble compared to how she used to be, but the ape king did not have the time or interest to spare in figuring out what she went through. Honestly, he'd already caught a look before he left the city. Aside from Bart, she lost all of her males and two of her cubs. Although he lacked sympathy for Rosa, he felt the weight of sadness in his heart for the loss of her young cubs.

"Ape King," Grant greeted.

"Ah, Grant. How are preparations?" The ape king closed the thatch door behind him and walked unhurriedly towards his home.

"Well. We've traded for three more females, bringing up the number to 21."

Bard stroked the almost-beard on his chin. "Good. We should stop there for now. Having too many will encourage attacks."

Grant thought those were wise words. "And what of the salt trade? Will we approach the same merfolk tribe or seek out the tiger king?"

Bard may have thought he wanted to thank Grace—and he did—but he also shivered at the idea of having to actually be around her. She was both his benefactor and his waking nightmare. Those opposing concepts made his feelings conflicted.

"We will approach the merfolk." Bard would not seek out Grace unless he had to.

Grant accepted that easily and kept up with Bard. A pain pinched up his side making him wince, but his uneven gait did not slow.

"You can rest. I merely visit my own home." There wasn't anything in this village that could threaten him, so Grant's presence was not required.

"I will, but first, I have one more thing to report." Grant saw the simple cabin and the four people who stood in front of it. "The villagers are asking for a vision."

The ape king pursed his lips and sighed. 'Of course they are.' He was all too happy to prove his powers in the beginning to bolster the faith of the people, but it was still quite taxing to summon visions. "I will soon."

Grant accepted the vague answer and excused himself.

Bard put on a pleasant expression as he approached the male waiting at him home. "Jed, what can I do for you?"

Jed's eyes opened wide as he was caught off guard. He was too busy fantasizing about what he would say to Qin. "A-ape King."

Bard withheld his exasperation and urged the young male to spit it out. "Yes?"

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