2. Trade

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"Female, welcome to the city. I heard you asked for me? I am Bard, the ape king." The ape king had the wolf king at his flank in case dubious intentions were afoot.

"I did." I gulped and thought over the words I would say.

"I see. Before that... I must ask how you ended up here." The guards reported the smell of scorpion on the female. The black mating mark on her hand and the molt in her hair affirmed that.

I took a deep breath and gave him the abridged version. "My mate brought me here to live a more comfortable life. The City of Flame was not good for me." I held up my thin arm as proof. I'd lost too much weight there and was looking more like a skeleton than ever.

The eyes present clouded with pity for the female. "I'm sure your mate fought bravely to free you."

I blinked, confused. Everyone nodded and I had no chance to correct the misunderstanding.

"But you will find the city most welcoming. Come. I shall check your health myself and have a healer look after you. In the meantime, a competition will be held to select your mates."

It wasn't unexpected. I had read the a fair amount of the novel and knew what the ape king was like. But this was not in my plans.

"Actually, I have something I would like to discuss with you first, please."

Caught off guard by the polite request, the ape king did stop to consider it. "You may talk to me as we walk. Staying here is not safe enough."

I would've liked some privacy, but I will take what I can get. The ape king took us back to his castle. Despite what he said, I did not speak on the way. While I wouldn't call the trade I wish to propose a secret, it wasn't something I was going to bring up with people everywhere.

When we finally arrived at a place I could sit, I sunk into the stool, near-winded. But no matter how exhausted I was from all the traveling, I had to do this first.

The ape king gave me the check up he promised, confirming that I was unreasonably fatigued and dehydrated. I was offered glasses of water and fruit that I accepted without thinking.

"Your fertility..." the ape king spoke sadly.

I nodded, unperturbed. "I know."

The ape king removed his hands. Her reproductive organs were damaged, undermining her naturally high fertility. While she may be able to have cubs, it will not be easy. Only an emerald may help, but even that would not guarantee the healing of this damage. It was truly a shame.

The ape king wasted no more time. "What is it you want to discuss?" He wanted to preserve his kind and helpful image, but he did not have the spare time for female antics.

I reached into my scarf and wrapped my hand around the crystal that it hid. I was betting a lot on this, but at the same time, it wasn't much. I was not in a position to demand help from anyone, but I had the best bargaining chip I could hope for here.

I pulled out the emerald and held it palm up. All the eyes in the room fixated on that jewel. "I want to make a trade with you ape king. Are you interested?" It was a stupid question. Of course he was.

"Th-this..." The ape king was at a true loss for words. What the female held was an emerald, a priceless resource and one that he needed badly.

I waited patiently for the ape king to come to his senses. I always wondered where in the timeline of this story I landed in, but I had a much clearer idea now. The city obviously was not destroyed yet and the wolf king was alive. Qin should still want her emerald and I happen to have one.

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