76. Poor Girl

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I soon found out that putting the differing personalities of Bai's guards all together made for an exaggerated show.

The eagle acted like nothing could affect him, but he seemed to struggle the most. His stoic expression always gave way to something not so stoic when Bai was involved.

The bear who always appeared gruff towards everyone else melted around the little girl. The wolf was diligent and dedicated and never bothered to restrain his emotions. The tiger guard was the only one holding his professionalism, but it could be due to him being the most experienced and oldest of the lot.

Throw the persistent and loud Parker into the mix and you had drama every day. Thankfully, I didn't have to deal with any of it.

"Are they respecting your boundaries?" I asked during our current lesson.

"Yes. Parker used to be pushy, but Gordon and Harry keep him from getting out of hand," Qingqing responded easily, being quite used to these reports now.

I took a second to put names to the faces. Harry was the bear and Gordon was the tiger guard. "Good. Remember that if you have something you don't like or agree with, you need to tell them firmly."

Qingqing knew that. Grace had already told her multiple times. Still, she nodded to show that she was listening.

"Today we are going to talk about beast marks and strength in more detail. If we have time after, I'll talk about some of the things I've been trying to change here in the city."

Qingqing listened closely the whole time and made sure to ask questions when she wasn't sure about something. Once the lecture was over, Qingqing asked about her job.

"Cub-sitting too much for you?"

Qingqing sheepishly scratched her head. It was, but she wasn't going to complain about it. "Is that really all I can do?" She was practically freeloading. Not that she minded Grace taking care of her. It was honestly a great comfort compared to the week she spent with Parker.

If she was eager for more... "I'm trying to improve as much as I can by introducing some modern comforts. The city's residents don't take to all of them, and that's fine, but I like my home to be more cozy."

Qingqing nodded in agreement. Going from modern times to the stone age was a very difficult transition.

"So if you think of anything that you can bring from our time that could help, whether it's practical or just a comfort for us, I hope that you'll share it."

Qingqing smiled and agreed eagerly. "I will!" She covered her mouth and blushed. Lowering her voice, she sheepishly agreed with more decorum. "I mean, I will do whatever I can."

I smiled in victory. "Thank you, Bai Qingqing. If you need anything for any projects ask your guards. They will assist you."

"Okay...Um. Just Qingqing is fine."

"Alright, Qingqing. I think that's all for today."

Qingqing watched the woman go and thought about the things she's learned up until this point. This world really was a magical, but harsh one. If Grace hadn't taken her in, would she still be with Parker? Would he still be insisting they mate?

Parker did still try, but Qingqing didn't even have to say anything and her guards took care of him. She also didn't have to eat food that was only flavored with wood, or sleep in a dirty hut that smelled like urine.

She was so grateful that her 18th birthday was over a year away. Maybe she will be sent back as magically as she appeared. But even if she wasn't, maybe by 18, she'll have something figured out.

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