115. Go Away, Please

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"I request your aid." The ape king bowed his head low.

Tch. The female with stunning blue hair and matching eyes clicked her tongue in disappointment.

I kept my opinion to myself, but I strongly wished I was dreaming right now. Why were these two here?

"Aid?" questioned Winston as he looked over the haggard group. They were only made up of two eagles, the ape king, and his mate and they had all seen better days.

"Aid," he confirmed. Me and my mate seek shelter."

"What happened?" asked Shuu who flanked Grace's right.

Bard lifted his head. "We were attacked and fled. My mate wished for the ocean and I used my abilities to find this village." He spun the truth and twisted it into a passable story while hoping it would satisfy the beasts present.

He should've known better...

"Who attacked you, and are there any survivors of your village?" Winston's no-nonsense tone couldn't be ignored.

Bard diverted the topic. "I will tell you everything, but can you please allow my mate a place to rest first?"

I was suspicious of him. Who wouldn't be? The ape king went out of his way to come all the way here with only eagles? My gut told me there was going to be trouble if I let them in.

"Can you please go away?" is what I wanted to ask, instead I sucked it up and let Winston decide.

The ape king brought his mate here, to a village full of rootless and ferals. I don't know how desperate you have to be to do that, but I'd imagine he was. But since Qin was here, the ape king wouldn't likely try anything since it could jeopardize his mate.

Qin was too hungry, tired, and absolutely fed up to pay attention to those around her. But a certain red-headed male managed to capture her attention.

The blood drained from Qin's face as she turned sickly pale. 'Why is he here?'

She took a step back as her tunnel vision widened to include the rest of the group. Her shaky gaze settled onto a female that was calling her name. By the sound of it, she had been calling her repeatedly.

"What?" Qin said, hiding her fear with a snappy reply.

Curtis remembered the female in front of him but held no pleasant feelings toward her. Especially not when she was being rude to his mate.

"Qin," I said gently. "Do you remember me?"

"Y-yes." Qin collected herself and regained her poise. "You're Grace." 'The female that gave up emeralds.' She didn't say the last part.

"I am. We will show you to a room that you can stay in." I remained polite despite wanting to toss the two into the sea and say 'Not my problem.' Not mature of me, but I'm not feeling very mature today.

"Of course." Qin renewed her attitude and proudly marched off after Grace. Her feet hurt fiercely, but she was too angry at Bard to even touch him.

Before we got far, I made myself clear. "You are a guest here, but you will be expected to follow all of the rules. If you do not, you will be kicked out."

Qin balked at the sudden cold treatment. "You'd kick me out?"

"If you cause trouble and break the rules," I reiterated, "Yes."

Qin ground her teeth finding that hard to believe. But then she recalled that Winston was Grace's mate and he had five marks. And she remembered this snake in front of her having four, although she couldn't see the marks now...

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