49. Resolve

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Shuu let Harvey do most of the talking. He was not confident in his ability to communicate with the snake without threats or agitation. His trust in the snake was absent and that was apparent.

Shuu could not understand what was going through the feral's head. A guardian beast? Him? Shuu found it insulting that a male who tried to kidnap a female was using guardianship as a means of getting closer to her.

And, no, Shuu did not believe himself to be the brightest. Having been around those who he recognized as smart showed him that he lacked in that area. But his suspicions drove him to believe in his conclusion, fully convinced that was the truth without the snake confirming it as such.

But the blatant insult to the title of guardian was not enough for him to ask Grace to reconsider. He wanted to, he really did, but Curtis had four stripes. And with the threat of St. Zachary so close, any additional protection for Grace was a protection that Shuu could accept. Even if it was begrudgingly.

Harvey was much better at hiding his dissatisfaction and explained everything that was allowable to Curtis. He focused on the rules that Grace had her family follow, the expectations of behavior that non-feral beasts follow when they live in a community, and Grace's care requirements.

Harvey was thorough. He understood that Curtis could lack everything that they recognized as common sense, given his feral upbringing, and spoke accordingly. It was his job to make sure this guardian understood Grace's needs, and he took that seriously.

Curtis did not miss a word, memorizing everything he found relevant. And most of what the weak leopard was telling him was relevant. Curtis was genuinely surprised by how forthcoming he was. Did he really not fear Curtis excelling at caring for Grace? Did they not see him as a threat?

A sidelong look at the wolf told him that that was at least partially incorrect. The wolf male was clearly on guard against him.

When the leopard finished speaking, Curtis got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" questioned Shuu in a defensive tone.

"To fulfill my role as a guardian," Curtis said coldly.


I woke up from my nap in a quiet den. That was more concerning than anything else, so I immediately got up to check. I was stiff and had to use the toilet fiercely, but I needed to make sure everything was okay first.

Three pairs of eyes stared at me when I exited the room. Everyone was alive then, that was good.

With confirmation of life soothing my nerves, I went to the outhouse as quickly as possible. I did my business and returned to a large cup of water being handed to me. I took it from Harvey and gulped it down. My dry mouth appreciated it. "Thanks, I needed that."

Shuu hurriedly dished a bowl of the soup Harvey made and brought it to Grace's spot by the cushions. It was heavy on meat, but the meat was cut into tiny bits that would be easy to chew. He eagerly waited for Grace to sit down on the cushions he fluffed up himself, making it a point to ignore the snake male.

I gratefully accepted the dish. "Did you three already eat?"

Harvey shook his head. "We wanted to eat with you."

Curtis found his inclusion in her question touching. He had eaten already while he was out hunting, but he did not say so.

Harvey served Shuu and himself first before dishing a bowl to Curtis. He kept his eyes downcast, but observative. Like Grace, he had his own subtle tests for the male. A guardian may not rank high in a family, but they were still responsible for their female's safety. Harvey wanted to confirm that the male would not only protect Grace's physical health but her mental health as well.

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