65. Blame Nothing *

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When I got to the castle, my chunky cubs ran right to me. "Hi, babies. Did you miss me?" They whined, and I interpreted them how I wanted to. "I missed you too." I wiggled free of Shuu and scooped them up in a crushing hug.

The cubs struggled to free themselves. They did miss their mom, but this was too much. They cried for their dad, but he was busy. They mewled as they were subjected to forceful cuddles.


Shuu, Muir, and the two tiger guards that were standing guard at the entrance all took a defensive stance, searching for danger.

"I forgot I can't feed them. No warm juice anymore."

Shuu and Muir relaxed, but the guards stayed alert.

"I have to fix this..."

Shuu followed Grace as she bee-lined to their room. Muir volunteered to tell Winston what he had overheard today and brought the cubs along with him.

"Grace, is there anything you want me to get you?" Shuu asked, his expression split between concern and curiosity.

I managed to peel the tunic off easily enough, but the undershirt was too tight-fitting. "Ugh. Yeah. Get this off, please!" I fought with it some more but lost.

Shuu dodged the flailing arms expertly as he tried to get a good grip. "I'll get it. Can you lift your arms?"

I did as I was told and the strangling fur went up and off.


Shuu swallowed as Grace's breasts bounced once before stilling. Their round and full shape was greater than he recently remembered seeing. The hardened tips beckoned his attention causing him to heat up.

Shuu turned away, but couldn't help his traveling gaze as he watched Grace try to fill a bowl.


He jumped, thinking he was caught in the act.

I did catch Shuu. The bond tattled on him. "Alcohol is bad for boys. I need to get it out." Feeling bold and warm thanks to the juice, I invited him. "Help me?"

Confusion was etched into his face. Wasn't alcohol the project she was working on? He knew the boys were Grace's way of calling the male cubs and that alcohol was bad for them.

"They got into the alcohol?"

I shot him a confused look back. "No. The alcohol is in me. Warm juice. They can't have this milk. It's bad." I did feel some shame hit me. "Never mind. I got it."

As it clicked for Shuu he jumped into action. "I'll help! What do you want me to do?" He didn't mean to sound so excited, but how could he not be?

I whispered, "I need to get the milk out.

Shuu brought down his volume. "Okay."

Shuu reached around Grace, sliding his fingers along her goosebump-covered skin. His caretaker mode beat his wishes. "Are you cold?"

I shivered. "A little," I admitted.

Shuu pressed himself against Grace in an attempt to share body heat as his hands cupped her swollen breasts. His finger brushed over her hard nipples eliciting another shiver from Grace.

He'd caught a peek in the past at how the cubs took milk and tried to imitate. His palms kneaded her plumpness while his fingers plucked and tugged at her nubs.

Grace pressed into him and moaned softly causing him to buck his hips. Embarrassed that Grace might mind his action, he stopped.

"Don't stop, Shuu."

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