10. Healer

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Muir's mark was on my left hip, its wings poking out of my skirt, but the rest stayed hidden. Again, it was a better placement than I expected. Maybe I liked him more than I thought? Or maybe it was more simplistic than that.

Better sex might create stronger feelings affecting the placement. But I was guessing. Love was a questionable emotion anyway. It could be more passion or more comfort. Perhaps trust was the defining factor here. I'd say I easily trusted Winston more than the others, but we also had a passionate first time where he focused on my needs better than the others.

I blew up red while brushing my teeth. I didn't need to think of that now.

I spent most of the day getting things done. The den was spotless and I managed to make new shoes. They were closer to foot wraps than shoes, but I planned to try my hand at crafting sandals eventually. It wasn't a bad day by a long shot and it passed quickly.

The next day wasn't so productive. I tried to be useful, to have a sense of purpose, but the day didn't seem to need me. It was just one of those times. It always happened when I had a nightmare.

At least I didn't wake up screaming. I can't imagine how much that would scare the guys.

Things did get better in some ways as time went on. I let a whole week pass without thinking too hard about anything. This time gave me and the males a chance to settle down in our den and get it looking like a real home.

They never asked me to mate and I had a feeling they were being considerate towards my health. Considerate as in them treating me like their fragile flower. But I didn't force this issue now. I was never really in that mood and the guys did not give me a reason to make myself, so I was genuinely okay with abstaining for awhile.

The ape king personally came to congratulate me and my family. He was still glowing, so I figured Qin's mood was on the positive side. I did have to bring him down to tell him about Mitchell. Shuu had been pretty uptight ever since we talked about him.

There were potential troubles that could follow, but it brought benefits as well. I either gained the city's active protection against Mitchell, or the ape king would drive me away from the city. Of course, the latter was not good at all, but I had Muir, a strong flyer, and Winston, a tetra marked tiger. And I had the favor I could call in. It was a gamble still, but I believe my bets are on the winning side. For now anyway...

After an inner debate, I decided to be truthful... sort of. He knows Mitchell has four stripes now, but I left out his kingly status. As formidable as a tetra-marked was, he was only one beast. But a king could command many. I don't think even an emerald is enough to let that kind of threat slide under the radar.

But I was playing with fire here. I couldn't use the same excuse I was about to use another time. I could only pray that I knew Mitchell well enough. I really can't see him starting a war to get me while his hands were full with managing the city while also catering to his dad.

When I was questioned about why I didn't say so before, I chose a half-truth. I told him I was scared about what he may do with me if he found out. Winston and Shuu growled at that, but I reassured them by grabbing and squeezing their hands. The effect was instant.

Bard could not persecute the female in front of him without making himself look bad. And he did not blame her for being scared. So he reassured her that her scorpion mate could not take her away and that she'd be protected.

He sent a warning glance to Winston who gave the barest of nods in return. Winston was Grace's mate and a tetra marked male, therefore, he would be responsible for eliminating this threat if it came to that. Naturally the city won't let the feral do as he pleased while waiting for Winston to take care of it, but both parties knew who was responsible for what.

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