112. Weapons

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 Cooper did not die that night. When his heart stopped, his bond faded and almost disappeared, but Harvey successfully performed CPR. It was deemed a miracle by those watching, earning the healer a great deal of respect from the rootless beasts and scorpion males that were gathered around.

Unfortunately, that was not the end of Cooper's battle. He'd lost a lot of blood. With no such thing as transfusions in the beast world and no way to safely perform one, it wasn't an option. Transparent crystals were their best chance at saving him and Grace had little issue using them. Cooper would turn pale if he learned he'd also consumed an emerald.

The excessive amount of crystals he consumed forced a level up. It was Harvey and Grace's hope that his healing ability would now compensate for the lack of blood, but forcefully leveling up via crystals also posed its own danger.

Aside from Cooper, there were only three others critically wounded. Two of those three did not make it. There were minor wounds and some that were borderline serious, but most of the males were too proud to see the healer over something that would heal on its own.

Shuu was one of the few who sustained a borderline serious injury, but his mate made sure he got treatment. The wolf male did not protest.

While Cooper remained in a coma, Winston dragged the villagers through a hellish training. Their organization was not bad to start. They had a healthy chain of command, but teamwork and coordination needed to be improved on.

Bai Qingqing had remained safe in her new home during the attack, same with the other female in the village. She had been sleeping when the chaos had started. Aside from her eagle guard, the rest remained with her, either outside the house or inside. She was able to keep cool during the ordeal.

Nora, on the other hand, had clenched her knife tightly, ready to attack anything that forced its way inside her home. Her two males were not strong, as per her preference, and she had no intention of relying on them.

The attackers, naturally, did not get far enough for Nora to test her skills on. By the standards of most villages, this one did exceptionally well responding to the threat. As such, no females would have had the chance to even see an enemy, let alone engage in a fight with one.

Cooper woke up almost three days after the fight. It was a day of great relief for Grace and her family. But it was also the start of Grace's warpath. To avoid something potentially disastrous, she joined hands with Winston and Shuu to train the villagers.

While initially conflicted with the introduction of creations made solely to hurt others, Grace decided it was necessary. Weapons were made along with traps.

At first, spike traps and pitfalls were made, but they were soon destroyed due to the potential of cubs harming themselves on them. The nature of the traps was changed from eliminating threats to alerting the village of invaders.

Shells, wood, and stones were combined and tied to a thin rope in certain areas. Whenever the wires were tripped, the contraption would clang obnoxiously loud. Pitfalls were still used, but no spikes were placed below. With these two things, the village was already better off than before.

The idea of other weapons didn't go over well since the males preferred their own natural ones, but the option was available at least. While the males weren't thrilled, there was a certain lion female who loved her new spear.


"Uh, Grace..." Inquired a harried Cooper. "Are you sure that's safe?"

'No,' I refrained from saying as I brought the spear tip down. "I won't hurt myself, Cooper." Not with the sharp part anyway. I'm pretty sure I've tweaked more than one muscle doing this.

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