37. Once *

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 Before we left, Mitchell put into practice what I requested. His question wasn't unexpected, and I didn't want to put it off. "Alright, bu-!" My top was untied before I could finish. "Not here!"

I held the fabric to my chest as my face flamed.

"Why not here?" Mitchell's gaze smoldered as his fingers itched to remove the furs Grace wore.

"Because I have a perfectly good house and bedroom-!" I found myself pinned into the grass that barely covered my head.

"And it is a perfectly beautiful day in the perfect shade." Mitchell's reason was going and he desperately clung to it.

If he made this hurt, Grace might not be so willing the next time. The image of purple bruises on Grace's fairer skin helped taper down his lust. The growls of warning from her mates helped as well.

He didn't want to do that to her again. He didn't want her to wince or gasp in pain. Or for her to avoid his gaze and touch.

Mitchell loosened his grip and attempted to wear his easy grin. It sadly came off as more of a grimace. "Please?" He never thought he'd beg anyone. Not ever. But he did not want to mate in a place that stank of other males. Not right now when his control might disappear in the wake of his emotions.

I was not expecting that. I took several breaths to steady myself, my body defensively rigid. Mitchell waited for my answer without forcing it; that earned him a point.

My brain scrambled to reengage instead of logging off like it usually did for intimacies with Mitchell. He was asking me. This wasn't ideal, but I don't think I've ever heard Mitchell say please before. Maybe there was a reason, or maybe he wanted to have his way. But either way, he still asked.

"There could be others around. I don't want to give them that kind of show." It's hard to believe I'm considering it.

Feeling that Grace's protests no longer sounded like protests, Mitchell's heartbeat sped up.

"I'm sure your mates won't let that happen." And he would personally rip out the eyes of any beasts that might try and peek, though he kept that to himself.

I forcefully relaxed my muscles and took a long, hard look at Mitchell. He had a point. And if I didn't want to because I didn't like it, I should say as much, not fish for an excuse.

But honestly, this might not be bad. The sky was open, and the air was warm. The grass was itchy, but the ground wasn't hard. It was all a stark contrast to the caves of the City of Flames. It was spacious and free, not claustrophobic and dreary.

"Okay." I'll try it once. Just once.

Mitchell quit breathing for one beat then two. I was afraid he might rip Muir's outfit off me and undid the buttons of the skirt myself.


I got the skirt undone but never made it to the underwear. I felt Mitchell's cool fingers against my pelvis just before he tore them off. He positioned himself and I panicked. "Wait!"

Mitchell froze, and so did I. I hadn't meant to say that so loud. Mitchell's eyes darkened, and so did the emotions I felt through his bond. I wasn't rejecting him, and he needed to know that.

I hastily corrected his misinterpretation. "Not stop, just wait," I said softly, hoping my growling mates also heard me.

No matter what subtle cues I tried to give Mitchell during our times together, they always got lost during his mating frenzy. Direct was better when it came to him, but I never could bring myself to be back then.

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