66. First Winter

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I didn't need another reason to avoid alcohol, but I got one. I covered my face the next morning as I swore it off for good. I wasn't that drunk, and I didn't say anything I didn't mean, but... I just feel silly.

But I was the only one who felt that way. Shuu and Harvey were both in great moods and didn't breathe a word about my behavior. It goes to show just how different our views on what counts as embarrassing are.

I am happy that I was able to communicate with Harvey. Some things are difficult to say sober, and I never wanted to put him on the spot. I should've anyway.

But now that it's out in the open, I feel a lot better. Harvey is the one most likely to hold back in my family. Though Winston could have him tied for that position.

Speaking of the big, handsome tiger, I think he needs a compliment. The heating system was not perfect, but it was working.

I fed the chunky boys and checked them over. I gave the warm juice plenty of time to get out of my system before I fed them, but I still couldn't help looking for signs of trouble. Naturally, if there were going to be signs, they would've appeared last night. I'm still having helicopter tendencies then...

The big boys looked at me expectantly, and I chuckled. "You two just ate. Are you really still hungry?"

They just stared at me and meowed. I set them down and sent them running after a stick and rope I made. They eagerly pounced after the feathers tied to the ends of it. I twirled it, encouraging them to chase it.

"That is such a great idea. I'm sure it'll help with their hunting abilities," said Shuu.

I chose not to burst his bubble. Truth is, I just wanted to play with my kittens, but I do like his reasoning.

"I have to go train the foo-the guards today. Call me if you need me." Shuu added slyly, "Or want me. I'll come right away."

I set the stick down as the boys destroyed the feathers. I gave Shuu a quick kiss on the chin. "Thank you, Shuu. I know you're doing a great job."

Shuu beamed. "Of course. I will make sure they become competent guards by the time the drizzle season comes." Shuu let a small amount of arrogance leak through.

It was his pride to have been taught by his father and raised amongst his clan. It was strict learning, but rewarding. There was no clan that had better teamwork than the wolf clan.

"I trust you. But be careful not to put them down too much."

Shuu loved to hear those words. "I will be sure to live up to your trust. Don't worry, I won't take it too far."

"Okay. I'll see you later."

Shuu quickly snuck a kiss onto Gray's cheek before swiftly exiting the room.

I chuckled before turning to my boys. "Okay. That's enough. Spit it out."

I plucked all the feathers I could from Grey and Blue's mouths before having them play tug-o-war. They would be tuckered out soon enough and ready for a catnap.

While I supervised, to make sure they didn't swallow any rope threads, Harvey brought me breakfast.

"Thanks. How's everyone today?" I'd like to wake up with us all here to share breakfast, but things are a little busy now.

"Winston is working on the clay oven and heating system. Muir is right outside the door."

"I see. Muir, come eat with us."

Muir didn't need a second invite.

"How's the surveying going," I eagerly asked.

"Almost done," promised Muir.

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