126. Bard's Gift

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I didn't leave the den much for about a month. My belly was protruding, making it obvious that I was carrying. Snake eggs really do grow fast. Although I humored my mates for the month by rarely going out, I was done with that.

I thought of something to try, however unlikely that it would change anything. I had a seer living in the village. For the cost of a crystal or two, he just may be able to help give me a clue.

I sought out Bard along with Curtis and Muir. He seemed surprised to see me.

I didn't bother with formalities. "Bard, you look healthier." I'm keenly aware that we didn't part on the best terms last time. But Bard had stayed in this village regardless and followed all the rules. He had not tried to establish a following or boost his position. I found that promising.

Bard nodded. "Yes. Qin has given me another chance." She even spoke with him and allowed him into her den. "I help care for her cubs." The only time he'd seen true appreciation from Qin was when he brought her an emerald; until recently, that is. He helped heal her cub who swallowed something he shouldn't have. He'd never seen his mate so concerned and soft before then.

"I'm happy for you two." I exaggerated my feelings on the matter, feeling more neutral than happy about it. But I'm okay with this result. It was better than some alternatives.

Before the conversation died, I mentioned the rootless being able to re-establish.

A spark flickered in Bard's eyes. "Truly, it is miraculous." And that wasn't the only thing.

"Yes," I agreed.

Bard turned and gave Grace his full attention. This female standing next to him was; well, something else. She constantly astounded him with her words and actions, even if, at times, she worried or scared him. She'd pushed him out of his comfort zone constantly—not necessarily in a good way but—while also giving him more than he probably deserved.

And she...seemed to treat him like an equal. No, she treated others that way too, he wasn't special. But it sure made her special in his eyes.

Where would he have been now had Grace not intervened in his life? She may have complicated it beyond recognition, but she also showed him something he didn't know was possible. Many somethings.

"Thank you, Grace." From the bottom of his heart, he meant that.

I stayed quiet. I hadn't expected that kind of sincerity from Bard. "I'm not sure I did all that much. You had to make the effort to fix your relationship, not me." Aside from not sicking Curtis on him, that is. Hell, I'd thought more than once about how to deal with him more permanently. It felt weird to be thanked knowing that.

Bard chuckled. "No, not just that but..." While it might not have been direct or intentional on Grace's part, she indirectly spurred him into moments of self-reflection.

Qin may not be a very fair or kind mate, but he had his own shortcomings. After seeing Qin rather happily raising her tiger cubs with her new family, he saw his double standard. He let himself believe that he and his position were enough for her when in fact, he was finding a justification for monopoly. Considering how he talked down to other males who thought they could do the same...hypocrisy was the right word.

The ape king took a deep breath and looked up to the sky. It wasn't a completely new start, but he'd still call it a second chance. One that this village gave him. One that Grace gave him.

The atmosphere was strangely at ease, but I didn't let that stop me. I had a goal, a fear to settle, and Bard might be able to help me. But...maybe I could give him whatever moment this was.

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