81. Parker's Resolve

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I made sure Cooper adjusted to his new home and gave him a brief overview of the soon-to-be-formed village. He was very confused since the idea of me moving seemed strange. I asked him to keep it a secret for now and promised him I'd share the reason with him one day.

He accepted easily and with joy. His open emotions reminded me a lot of Shuu. I gave him an opportunity to go but did not order it.

"Do you want me to go?" he asked with his head cocked.

"Only if you want to."

Cooper didn't think too long then. He didn't want to leave. "I would like to stay. Unless you want me to go."

I reassured him with a smile. "I want you to do what you want. If you would rather stay, please stay."

Cooper vigorously nodded as the castle door exploded with activity.

"Grace!" called the leopard queen.

No guard stopped her and they wouldn't. Memi and Holly both had permission to come and go freely so long as they understood that I might not be able to drop everything instantly to entertain them.

"Memi, it's good to see you."

Memi sped-walked right up to Grace and her son, throwing her arms around the latter. "Good job, cub."

Cooper's heart swelled in response to his mother's praise and returned the hug. "You heard?"

Memi pulled back as if offended. "Of course I heard. Now, what do you say to me?"

"Thank you, mom."

Memi nodded, her look morphing back to a proud one. "Good. Now, how should we celebrate?" She turned to look at Grace.

The eager mother and son duo looked at me like two golden retrievers asking for me to play with them. "Celebrate, huh?"

Memi started pouting. "Yes, celebrate. You won't deny a proud mother this much, would you?"

Strong-armed and manipulated once again, I found myself agreeing. I really didn't mind, but I didn't want to go too crazy. "Okay." Sadly, the leopard queen didn't do small or quiet celebrations.

So we would now hold a small feast the next time the weather turned nice. I checked with Winston to make sure we had the spare resources. I knew we did, but I gave Winston the chance to convince me that this was a waste. He didn't and promised that there was enough, so a banquet was scheduled.

While Memi used the outhouse, I got another guest. Parker insisted on coming inside. "Qingqing isn't here." I threw a straight ball from the get-go. I didn't want to deal with their drama.

"She isn't?" Parker questioned. "No, never mind. I'm here to see you."

That got my attention. "Me?"

"Yes." Parker huffed.

"Then you should ask for an audience properly." I dismissed him with a wave.

Parker grew irritated, but he held it back. "May I have an audience with you, please?"

Color me surprised. I guess Parker does mature a little later on in the story... "If this is about mating with Qingqing, I'll have to turn you away. You still have a year, at least, to even be considered."

Parker shook his head. "I know that," he grumbled. Shuu growled from his position at Grace's side, and Parker swallowed. He didn't come here to fight. "I mean, that isn't what I'm here about."


"I want to be one of Qingqing's guards," he said with less arrogance than usual.

This boy... "And why do you think I should allow that?"

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