8. Mine

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Shuu was not as accepting of Muir as Winston was. He did quit his growling, but his glares did not go unnoticed. I sat them all down inside the living area of the den and talked to them.

"Is there a problem?" They all shook their heads. "Let's me change the question: What is the problem?" I knew that being passive was a good way to earn me trouble later. So even if I have to put on a front of being a hardass, I will.

The males felt that Grace was different than usual and listened.

"First. Winston, do you have an issue with Muir?" I didn't want to put them all on the spot, but I also needed peace in my family. Little shows of jealousy were fine. But I could not live with backstabbing or fighting.

Winston shook his head.

"Why don't you have an issue with Muir?"

Winston did not expect that, but he answered honestly. "He is resourceful and strong. And he approached you fairly."

"And what about Shuu?" I waited for Winston to answer.

"He is yours and dedicated."

I nodded. "Now, Shuu. Do you have a problem with Winston? Why or why not?"

Shuu sat straight and to attention. "No. Winston is strong."

That was short, but good enough. "And Muir?"

Shuu faltered. "...No problem. He has three stripes."

I sighed, but I gave him a break for now. I turned to Muir. "Do you have a problem with either Shuu or Winston?"

Muir shook his head. "No."

"None at all?" I pressed.

"None at all," Muir repeated.

That wasn't as successful as I was hoping it would be, but I shouldn't have expected too much putting them all on the spot like that.

"I want to make things clear. I do not like blood, guts, and brutal fights. I hate the sound of bones cracking and the sight of blood makes me feel ill. I can't stand death either, especially not my mates' deaths."

All three listened very closely. Feelings of pity, interest, and muted happiness ran through their hearts.

"If you have an issue, talk it out. If it's an issue you can't or won't talk out and it leads you to fighting each other, don't think I'll just let it go."

Their female was tiny and far weaker than they were, but she seemed scary in that moment. It felt like they were facing a beast. Winston and Shuu were not as surprised as Muir by this.

"You guys understand, right?" They nodded their heads in unison. "Good."

"...Grace?" asked Muir hesitantly. "You have beast pressure?"

...Oh. Guess the cat's out of the bag. Not that it would have stayed that way for long. I peeled off my scarf and moved my hair to the side, earning an expression of pure surprise from Muir.

"I don't really have any control over it yet."

The three males exchanged looks. Whatever problems they could have had with each other were set aside. It wasn't worth their female's ire and they needed to think about what that stripe could mean for Grace's future.

That was all it took to settle that. I'd have to trust them to take what I said to heart. I'd love to be able to sit down and ask them opinions about males before I invite them to my family, but I can't do that now. Not when we were still so small.

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