22. New Dream

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Hi, readers. I'll be trying to keep up with the daily updates--with an occasional break day in between--as I'm quite far ahead.  I'm writing chapter 40 now, so I've got the material.  It does need editing though.

Thank you for all the comments. They really help keep me on track and let me tie up loose ends before they ever appear, on top of giving me ideas for future scenes. 

That's all for now. Happy reading! :D

It took Harvey almost two weeks to fully heal his muscle tears. During that time, I had to turn away a handful of patients. Some, I was able to provide the right herbs for and got paid for it. But most of the time, the males needed someone to diagnose and treat their females.

I might have spoiled Harvey a lot in the meanwhile. Okay, I know I did because Shuu's frown and pitiful eyes told me so. I often had to switch between a leopard head and a wolf one in my lap. This solution was an easy and cute one, so I had no problems with it.

Muir was not so needy, but he did insist on early morning activities occasionally that were hard for me to decline when my brain wasn't awake and sharp. Instead of getting irritated at Muir taking advantage when my willpower was at my weakest, I was actually grateful.

He was normalizing the physical aspect of our relationship. As much as it bugged me, I always had my guard up when it came to sex. I tended to treat it like a test to pass or a deal to finalize and my brain prepared itself accordingly.

That wasn't how it should be. It wasn't how I wanted it to be. And now that I was finally feeling like the City of Flame was behind me, relaxing was becoming more natural.

So I couldn't bring myself to stop Muir. Especially not when he looked so satisfied afterwards.

In that time period, I had my second dream of Winston. He, along with the others were packing up bags and bags of salt. Their expressions were all joyous ones with big grins plastered on their lips. It was after this dream that I started wondering if it was more than a dream. But it wasn't until the next one I had that my suspicions solidified into something more concrete.

I dreamt of Mitchell. Unlike my normal nightmares of the City of Flame, this one wasn't one filled with fear. And like the other two dreams, I experienced everything from Mitchell's perspective.

"My King, we've brought another group," said a bowing scorpion male.

I(?) glanced down at the male and waved a dark hand. The voice that came out of my mouth had me alert.

"Well, bring them forward."

"Yes." The male scuttled off and returned with two scorpions flanking him and three females tied up on their backs.

The three females were yanked off the scorpions and placed in front of me. Their bodies were covered in bruises at various stages of healing.

I empathized at a painful level with them, but I couldn't move or speak on their behalf.

"These?" Mitchell's low timber rumbled through my consciousness. I understood in that moment that this was like the time with Winston.

We leaned down to pinch the chin of the nearest female, scrutinizing her. I could feel her trembling in our grasp and wanted to pull our hand away.

I found myself looking over each one carefully, unable to look at anything else. Indeed, it was the same as before.. I had no control.

When we got to the last one, I felt Mitchell frown after inhaling her scent. I smelled a strong odor of musk and urine. Rage swelled up in me as Mitchell spoke again.

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