23. Out of Body

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That dream was the one that struck me the hardest.

What if—just what if—it wasn't a dream at all?

All three dreams were clear and one directional. The events weren't exaggerated or focused on, nor were they inconsistent. My nightmares seemed to always focus on the feeling of being trapped or chased with no happy ending in sight.

These were different. It wasn't even me in the dream and nothing was crazy or disjointed. It felt like I was experiencing a moment in someone's life. And so far, it wasn't just anyone's, but my mates.

I poked at the invisible threads that connected me to Winston, Shuu, and Muir. I did not want to touch Mitchell's in case he felt it and did something about the feeling.

I developed a theory, one that I should be able to confirm so long as these dreams continue. Maybe I was dream walking, but instead of peeping in on someone else's dream, it was their life? So, more like soul walking? Maybe, I should just call it an out of body experience.

I wanted to test it out somehow, but I wasn't in control of it. The most I could do was ask Winston when he returned in order to confirm if what I saw was right.

The caravan first trades goods to the merfolk for salt, then trades some of that salt to surrounding villages for females. With that in mind, Winston should be one third of the way done or more.

Dreams aside, I was excited that Winston was likely on his way back. I planned to have the furniture and den looking as nice as it could be. And the first order of business, would be resuscitating my dying garden. Aside from Harvey, none of us have green thumbs, so this result was unfortunate but inevitable.

The day Harvey was well enough to change back, was one I celebrated. Muir caught fish that Shuu roasted and I marinated mystery meat that Shuu provided. We ate till we were stuffed and I nodded off early.

I had a dream, but it wasn't about Winston or Mitchell. I was with Muir this time. He was talking with Shuu.

"I know I'm close. Maybe by next season I'll have it," said Shuu looking stiff and serious.

Muir's eyes narrowed. "No. Not until Winston comes back."

Shuu's lips lifted above his canines in silent threat. "You are not my king or the one in charge."

Muir met Shuu's challenging eyes. "I'm not. But with Winston gone, anything regarding Grace's safety is my decision."

"But earning my third stripe will make her safer," Shuu growled. "Are you worried I could challenge you?"

I practically felt the tension between the two and was bewildered by it. I thought the two of them got along, but it sure didn't seem like it now. Was some level of fighting simply inevitable?

Muir's expression stayed the same. "Grace does not allow challenges." Shuu flinched and Muir continued. "You will have to leave her side to train. She'll have less protection if you do."

Shuu scowled, but didn't refute that.

I was jerked away when I felt something move. My eyes flew open and I found a pair of azure eyes staring at me. Harvey apologized for waking me, dropping a fur blanket as he did. I didn't think much of it and ran into the living room. Muir and Shuu gave me looks of concern.

"Grace?" they both asked.

I ran my hand through my hair and noted that both of them were in the same positions as I saw. Maybe I wouldn't need to confirm with Winston. The answer was already in front of me.

"Grace?" Harvey asked from behind her.

"Ah, yes. I just had a dream. It's nothing."

Harvey's brows pulled together in worry. It didn't seem like nothing, but he wasn't willing to pry.

Since I was up, I left to do my business. Shuu and Muir's conversation played out in my head.

It wasn't like I forgot how things were, but I guess I chose to see things through rose tinted glasses. I didn't ask my mates their opinions before taking other males, so something like this was inevitable.

They tolerated each other and they worked together to support and protect me. But that didn't mean they will become friends and that might not ever change. Though I had to ask myself... Was there something I could do about that?

Shuu was anxious to get stronger, but Muir was worried about leaving holes in my security detail. I understood both sides and I wish I could satisfy both. Maybe we could set up a calendar? Every so many days, we could give Shuu a day off to train... Something like that? If Shuu pulls his strings and get's me enough food for the day, I don't see why we can't. Muir can then stay by my side with Harvey. Would that satisfy both of them?

I brought it up the next day.

"Training rotation?" asked Shuu with equal parts curiosity and confusion.

"Yeah. Once every seven days, we will have a day where we focus on getting stronger." I said we, but I wasn't including myself much. I planned to do mostly yoga and a few easy exercises to get my physical fitness and stamina up. "Which day it is depends on our food situation, but I'll leave that to Harvey to determine."

Harvey was shocked to be given a role, but nonetheless pleased.

The conversation got animated as we discussed the pros and cons as well as my involvement. Shuu seemed absolutely ecstatic and even Harvey looked forward to it. Muir was harder to read, but I want to believe he was okay with this decision. 

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