62. Lights, Camera, Action

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I made it down the stairs without being stopped. The guards had yet to be stationed higher than the ground floor. But now that I was here, all heads present turned.

At first, many missed the very thing that I'd stressed so much about hiding. I made sure to take a slow look around as I gauged their reactions. Aside from expressions of admiration or appreciation, there was no one aside from my family that picked up on the mark. I could've laughed, but I didn't.

I made my way to Winston's side as the tigers finally started pointing out the mark on my neck. My heart hammered, but I didn't let my expression change.

"Silence," Winston raised his voice but did not yell.

When the voices did not completely quiet down, I did yell. "Silence!"

Winston's roar backing me up helped shut up everyone. But me releasing my pressure probably assisted. There was no going back now. Not that I planned to.

I exchanged a look with Winston and he nodded. Alright, here I go...

"My name is Grace, Winston's mate and your tiger queen. I'm sure you all have some questions, and I plan to answer some of them now." I had the full attention of everyone present and could feel the excitement in the air.

"First, this is a stripe, and that was my pressure you felt." Chaos erupted, and Winston silenced them.

My ears rang with the roar, but I didn't need to hear clearly to speak clearly. "Second. Some of you may not know. But the clan I hail from is the human one." I didn't let them stew long before continuing. "I'm sure you might not be familiar with it as the human clan is not present on this continent." Not a lie to be spoken, and I intended to keep it that way.

"Those of my clan have practices that differ greatly compared to yours. So I ask you for your understanding should I say or do things that appear strange to you."

I took a breath and received a reassuring tap from Winston's tail. "I am certain there will come times when my actions will baffle you, but I will not force anything on you that you are adamantly against."

I stopped and stared into the eyes of the closest guards for emphasis. "Does everyone understand me?"

A pause, then an eruption of agreements. I raised my hand to get their attention again. "Good. Now, today is a fine day, but it is also going to be a busy one. I look forward to working with you all in the future to support the clan and the city." I relaxed my face and let myself smile.

Words and sounds of approval could be heard far outside of the castle. Making any beasts close curious about what was going on inside.

I wasn't done yet. "Some of you may know of my reputation, but for those that don't... I do not permit anyone to attack my family with the intent to do harm. I can promise that you won't walk away if you do." My smile turned sharp, and I added pressure in for extra effect. It was getting much easier to control now.

Winston filled with pride. His mate's tone was clear, and her gaze direct. Her presence was commanding and confident. His face unintentionally softened, but he regained his composure a moment later.

Knowing that his mate was done with her speech, Winston stepped up. "The tiger queen," Winston hesitated for half a beat, "my mate, has spoken." He was not used to the vocal claim, but it raised his spirits. Especially when Grace gave him a reassuring smile.

Winston softened, but his voice was still stern. "As your queen, you will guard her with your lives." His guards responded with passionate roars.

Winston took the high momentum into the next subject. The guards were fired up. Even the words of their queen that technically made a threat, sounded nice to their ears.

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