59. Let's Begin

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With the leopard king's promised support, there was only the current issue of the sickness to tackle. The apes were working hard on the fix as they were held mostly accountable for it.

The rest of the bodies were burned and the closest water source was monitored so no one would drink or bathe in it. As an extra precaution, Winston left to help remove ash and dirt from the grave sight to much further from the city.

I made cotton masks and one pair of gloves for this task with my meager skills. I only managed three, but some of the others fashioned their own versions. It was an extra step—since they were wetting the ash first—but I felt better knowing Winston was protected a little better.

By the time that was finished, the coldest season had arrived.

"Grace, is it time?" asked Shuu. Everything Grace wanted to happen happened, so wasn't it time yet?

I gave Shuu a smile. He was more nervous than me. I looked at Winston and nodded.

"I'll bring you good news." Winston caught the pouch that Muir tossed him and heard the telltale sound of rattling crystals.

"I know you will. Shuu?"

Shuu nodded vigorously. He was going to be useful. "You can count on me."

I gave them both hugs before they left. This was the turning point and there was no going back. Once they were out of sight, I went to see Curtis.

He met me in the front of his den looking drowsy. "How are you doing?" Waiting to hibernate was clearly taking its toll on him.

Curtis's body was cold, but his heart warmed at the concern. "I am fine."

I nodded, not willing to call his bluff. "We will be moving back to the city."

Curtis had heard parts of this conversation. "You are inviting me to come?"

I skirted around that question. "I thought it would be rude to disappear without a word." But I was in fact, inviting him. He was a part of the plan, though I had a backup in case we had a fallout. "And the castle has enough rooms, so I hear."

Curtis wanted to accept that invitation immediately, but he couldn't. How could he trust that no one would attack him while he slept?

"I will find a place next to it." But he would claim a room in addition to that since it was offered.

"Okay." I would not pressure him.

Blue bounded up Curtis's tail while wearily eyeing it. He got into battle position and pounced.

"Blue! No."

Blue suck his teeth into the red scales only to find his teeth didn't sink at all. Grey saw his brother's peril before he did, but Curtis moved quicker.

Curtis curled his tail around the young cub and took a good look at him. He'd avoided interacting with Grace's cubs since their existence was just a reminder of what he didn't have. But sometimes it was unavoidable given how the cubs lacked self-preservation.

It was actually quite remarkable. Curtis could squish one of them with very little force, yet they couldn't seem to sense that.

Blue stared at Curtis. Curtis stared at Blue. I sighed. I did not assume Curtis's threshold was so low that he'd lash out at a cub. But that didn't mean I wanted Blue or Grey to test the male who didn't have his strength perfectly under control.

Blue was handed back to me without a scratch. I felt bad for thinking so poorly of Curtis's ability. If he had been helping Harvey, he had more than I was giving him credit for.

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