131. Serenity

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 Serenity didn't get involved in Hope's rebellion. Honestly, she didn't understand her sister's eagerness to leave. They had everything they needed here and their parents wouldn't force them to do anything they didn't want to. What reason was there to leave before they had to?

Serenity sat above their den, watching the cove. The light of the moons reflected off the calm surface giving Serenity a sense of peace. One day...one day she'd have to leave this behind and start her own family.

Her golden eyes shimmered as she watched the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. She hadn't forgotten the feeling of drowning from all those years ago, but she still felt it was pretty. Pretty but dangerous.

She quickly banished the thoughts that were soaked in old fear and laid on her back. What was she going to do? Her 18th birthday was coming, but she wasn't ready to go.


Serenity sat upright as her mother appeared behind her. Winston set her down and gave her a once over, ever aware of her health.

"Yes, Mom?"

"Is something on your mind?"

Serenity looked down at the ground, then back at the waves. Should she tell her? "How's Hope?" Evading the topic was easier. She wasn't ready quite yet.

"She's upset with me, but she'll live."

Serenity heard her mom sigh, something she seemed to do a lot of. Hope always stressed her out and made her worry.

"Can I sit with you?"

Serenity patted the spots next to her, also inviting the silent tiger to join. Winston laid behind the two of them giving them something to lean on. She accepted the invitation and the three of them sat in silence for a little while.



"If..." Serenity closed her mouth and fiddled with her fingers. "If I don't want to take mates, will I still have to leave?" She didn't dare look at her mom in case she'd see disappointment. It was unreasonable since Serenity had never once seen her mom disappointed with her.

I'd been wondering what was bugging Serenity lately, but I'd been so busy with Hope and the others that I hadn't made time to ask. That was no good. Seeing Serenity unable to meet my eyes showed me that I should've done better.

"Of course not. If you don't want to go you don't have to." She finally looked me in the eyes and I smiled. "Your dad would be thrilled to hear that." I thought better on those words. "Maybe too thrilled."

Serenity's terse expression lifted into a smile. "Really?"

She sounded exactly like her sister there. I must not be inspiring enough confidence in my children. "Really. Stay as long as you want. You can take Hope's room or we can make you another one."

Serenity felt the weight on her shoulders lift. "You don't think it's weird? Hope can't wait to take mates, but I... I don't like the idea."

"It isn't weird!!"

I smacked my face as the yell of someone familiar called up from below.

"You don't ever have to if you don't want to!" Mitchell yelled.

I shook my head. "He isn't wrong, but feel free to ignore..." I raised my voice, "the eavesdropper."

Serenity scratched her head sheepishly. "But aren't we supposed to want to? To mate and have cubs, since I'm a female?"

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