19. What Was That?

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I woke with a start and sat upright. Shuu stirred and whined, but I barely noticed.

What kind of dream was that?

I've always had vivid dreams, but not like that one. I could still smell the ocean and feel the grass beneath my feet. Aside from one or two of the nightmares I'd had recently, I'd never experienced something so clear.

"Grace? ...Grace."

I jolted and turned to face Muir. The light of mid-morning was peeking through the window curtains, giving me enough light to see.


"Would you like me to brew tea?"

I considered it before shaking my head. This wasn't a nightmare and I didn't need to calm down. Not like that anyway.

Muir did not press me, none of my mates ever did. I didn't offer to tell them about my dreams or nightmares either. Maybe they assumed it was a subject they can't touch?

I thought about the strange dream most of the day. Aside from the times I was taking care of Harvey, I found my mind wandering back to it.

Shuu went out to do the hunting and gathering while Muir stayed by my side. We took care of the birds together, him doing the cleaning and me taking care of the nests.

I couldn't dwell on the dream since we got a visitor. The ape king himself came to say hello and I put up my guard.

"Grace, you look wonderful." The ape king was flanked by two wolves, neither of which were the wolf king.

The compliment did not make me feel better, but it did seem somewhat genuine. "Thank you. What brings you here today?"

The ape king combed over the plants growing in an intentional and groomed manner as well as the odd structure that housed six shortbirds. His curiosity was peaked, but he addressed the matter he came here for.

"I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things... The guards have been warned about your mate. Unfortunately, not all the kings agree on his treatment. If he tries to enter the city, he will be treated as a threat." Bard gauged Grace's reaction. "I know you are a kind soul who does not wish for harm to befall your mate, but I hope you will understand tour position."

I did not let my frown show on my face. "Pardon me, ape king, but my mate is strong. Lives will be lost if he is confronted."

The ape king's heart warmed at Grace's concern for the citizens of the city. "There is no alternative that doesn't place you in harm's way. We sincerely hope your mate will not come, but we will do what we must to protect both you and the city."

I wanted to sigh. It sounded like Bard made up his mind about this matter and wasn't looking for an alternative solution. "If he does show up, can I ask that the guards pass a message?"

Bard's eyebrows shot up. "A message?"


"... I will try."

"Thank you. Please tell him that uninvited guests should politely knock first."

The ape king was baffled by that message and coughed. "That is what you want?"

I nodded. "Yes."

The ape king dissected those words. It did not sound like Grace and her scorpion mate were on poor terms. That was concerning. One female with two males who, by rights of strength, could be kings... That was a lot of power for one female to have.

...But Grace was his benefactor and her scorpion mate was not by her side. So long as that remained so, Bard should not have to worry about it.

A sudden, stray thought fueled by greed flickered in his mind. 'What if Grace got another emerald? Would she willing to trade it too?'

Bard figured himself to be a smart male and preferred to plan ahead when he could. His Qin came first and she would want another emerald in the coming years. Grace already proved that she'd be willing to trade an emerald—something that went against common sense—and she might do it again.

The cogs of Bard's mind ran freely with that scenario, allowing him to see the benefit in it. If Grace could tame her feral mate she might end up with more emeralds than she will ever need. He had to weigh the pros and cons of it, but he liked the potential he saw.

While there was no guarantee that things will unfold in the way that he wished, the ape king believed that staying on Grace's good side would work in his favor.

I scratched my head awkwardly as the ape king stared off into space. "Umm, is there anything else?"

Bard snapped back to reality with a smile on his face. "Yes, my apologies. My mate wishes to meet you. Will you come?"

I didn't expect that. Why would Qin want to see me? Does she know I handed over the emerald? Probably. It wasn't like I asked the ape king to keep it a secret. I really doubt she wants to thank me for it. Does she think I have more?

"I will." I had no intention of being on their bad sides. "But today is short notice. Will tomorrow morning be a good time for her?"

The ape king was used to others complying with his requests more quickly than that, but females could be less accommodating. This was fine though. Bard did not mind.


The ape king had said what he needed to say, but he hesitated to go. His gaze swept over the area including the silent hawk male that stood by Grace's side before settling back on the female.

The ape king was curious about the report the wolf king gave to him on what happened at the wolf castle. Grace had always been mild-mannered and eloquent to a strange degree, so her kicking up a fuss had been surprising.

Bard did not disbelieve the wolf king, but he suspected the retelling of the event had been exaggerated. Even so, a female defending their males in any capacity was something incredible to him.

"Before I go, is there anything you need?" The ape king could not help but ask. His ambition and greed aside, he wanted to help Grace genuinely. Whether it was goods or introducing her to fitting males, he would give her what she wanted.

I thought about it for a moment, but there wasn't anything I needed that he could give me. "No thank you, ape king."

Bard smiled. "Then I will see you tomorrow. If you think of something you want, let me know."

The ape king left and I stayed where I was. Bard was still being awfully nice to me. I'm assuming that is a good sign, but I should be careful. He knows I have powerful mates and if he finds out I have a stripe, I feel that only trouble will follow. How long could I keep it a secret? 

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