28. Fishing Net

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 The water was perfect, and the training spot became one of my favorites. The river couldn't have been more than fifteen feet across where we were and it wasn't much deeper. Swimming became my main hobby aside from furniture making. It was just too damn hot some days.

I loosened up about safety when Shuu brought a group of three wolves to train with them. Shuu made it clear that they weren't to use this opportunity to approach me and to take it seriously. Two of the wolves had one stripe, meaning Harvey had sparring partners.

They got all fired up, especially when I glanced in their general direction. I thought my being here was bad, but Muir sadistically said it was better to hit them while they were distracted.

Okay, he didn't seem to gain any pleasure from it. He was just being the underhanded, but practical Muir I knew. It would teach them not to drop their defenses.

The young dictator Shuu gave them all a handicap. They weren't allowed to create any real injuries. I did say that I hated blood enough times... but I thought that was a good thing regardless of my aversion. Learning to control one's strength would never be a bad skill to hone.

I know I said that we couldn't train too often, but I was easily convinced to adjust the schedule. Shuu had been in a phenomenal mood because of it, and I liked swimming where there was no crowd.

When I needed to let my clothes dry, I began the tedious task of braiding tree roots to make fishing nets. Despite the crashing sounds and snapping branches around me, I found comfort in working here.

Harvey and Muir supplied me with everything I needed. Once they got the idea, they offered to take over. I didn't give up my whole project to them, but I did let them help. They still wanted me to kick back and relax, but I wanted to have my hands busy.

With their assistance, I finished a net in less than two days. Muir and Harvey tested it out and raked in a bunch of fish without much effort.

I saw many eyes sparkle that day and couldn't help but smile. The wolves that joined us were not big fans of fish, but they were astounded by how easily food was caught. We did not need all the fish the rest with Shuu to distribute. The fish was perfectly roasted, but bland without spices.

"Female! Female! How did you come up with the idea of a net?" asked one easily excitable wolf male who couldn't have been older than 20.

"I didn't come up with it, it was something used in my clan."

"Your clan?"

I didn't let that slip accidentally. I'd thought to keep humans an open kind of secret, but maybe it wouldn't be bad to feed some info to others. If they had a better impression of the human clan, maybe I could build a following that will question the ape king if he ever turns on me.

"Yes, there are other things too. Are you curious?" I needed to play it safe. This subject needed far more thought. I don't want to throw the spotlight too heavily on the 'human clan' when no one can find this clan and confirm what I'm saying. Even if I'm being truthful, they could doubt me when this mystery clan can't be found.


Shuu glared at the male's back. Did Grace like this wolf? She rarely ever talks for long with others. He should warn the male again.

"Some of our females like to decorate our space and dens with flowers. We even take flowering plants and plant them close by." I had his attention. "But you have to know which plants are dangerous and which aren't."

The young male looked at me with curious eyes, but I had to direct him to Harvey. I was no horticultural expert. All my flowers got Muir and Harvey's approval first.

A larger group of wolves had gathered around and they listened curiously. They found Grace's voice soothing. Her tone was very light and gentle compared to the demanding and sharp tones of the females they were used to being around. They had to remind themselves that the Grace in front of them was the very same that had made a big scene at the wolf castle.

I was getting used to the attention now; at least, the stares no longer prickled my skin. Maybe it was for that reason that I got a little careless. It was hard, after all, to pick out one set of eyes from the many. I really should have been more alert. 


Sorry for those who were totally expecting something to pop up this chapter. Hopefully the next one satisfies that curiosity.

I'm getting to a point (many chapters beyond here) where I can introduce an OC. The writing got a little away from me and my plans for the plot have since been tweaked. I'm doing one more opinion check before I move along.

So here are your potential OC ML choices: Sieg, the alligator from Jenny's story. (He will be a crocodile in this one since that's that popular preference). Ezra, the tarantula from Rain's story. Or a new, unnamed merfolk/ocean dwelling OC. If you chose merfolk, feel free to suggest a type if you would like. ^_^

I'm personally leaning towards a merfolk or Sieg considering the direction I want to take this story, but I'm considering others.  Thanks in advance for the feedback! 

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