88. If You Could Go...Would You?

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I did not speak to Curtis immediately about my choice. Instead, I made sure to start including Curtis in a lot more things. This was my attempt to get my family fully used to the idea. And, if I was being honest, me as well. Muir was notified as soon as possible so he could come to terms with it too.

Curtis easily agreed to join me and Harvey in training the healers. Harvey also added two males he selected to the mix. All five were not likely to become skilled healers, but the more people who understood first aid, the better.

An unlikely person joined us and I let her. Bai Qingqing appeared to be lonely. I didn't stop her. In fact, I encouraged her. Her projects have been fruitful and I'm especially happy about the dyes. It wasn't revolutionary, but my cubs loved painting the castle with splatters and paw prints.

So Qingqing earned a little break in my books. Even if her choice of what constituted as a break was a bit unusual.

The teenager learned quicker than the males present and presented a problem: distraction. To be fair, I could tell that I was also a distraction for them. But Curtis was here for more than just his company. His glare kept the males from losing their focus for too long.

While we were busy spending days in the clinic, Winston and Shuu had started a castle-wide production of preserves, pickles, and dried meats for the winter.

Cooper and Mitchell took over babysitting duties making for an interesting combo. Cooper was too soft on the boys and lacked the ability to discipline. The boys sensed that and took every advantage.

Mitchell wasn't so easy, but he lacked knowledge of where the lines should be drawn for the cubs and tended to reinforce questionable behaviors. So, chaos was inevitable. It was Jason, the silent guard, that kept the cubs from getting into any real trouble.

It was one week after I started lessons that I was encouraged to quit. My mates seemed to want me to stay in the room until the spring. Obviously, that wasn't going to happen, but I could at least keep myself away from potential sickness.

Bai Qingqing got back to her main job while also preparing herself for winter. I asked her about her guards and just talked to her to feel her out. So far, things were going okay for her. With the exception of the small scar on her arm that she still had tied with a fur scarf.

It was during this time that she asked me about Rosa.

"Why...? If you know she's responsible, why hasn't anything been done?" Qingqing did not understand this. Rosa may be a queen, but she endangered the city. Shouldn't she be expelled?

I met the girl's eyes calmly. "I will deal with Rosa. Just avoid her until I do."

Qingqing was right. Rosa has crossed a line. It was her position alone that protected her from repercussions. But there was no reason to tolerate her for much longer. By springtime, Rosa will no longer be in either of our hair, one way or another.

Qingqing pursed her lips and nodded. If Grace said she would take care of it...

I stood up to leave, noticing that her room had many more things decorating it compared to when she was first given the place to stay. Her guards were doing well.

Before I left, I gave her a piece of advice. "I've explained how this world is cruel, but simple before, so I'll be frank here." I had her full attention. "The strong rule and the weak obey the strong. If you want to clash with someone in this world, you will need to have the strength to win against them."

Qingqing's confusion on the topic began clearing once she understood what Grace was saying. "But violence is..." Qingqing winced, feeling her lack of resolve.

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