53. Aftermath

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A general estimate of losses couldn't occur immediately due to the extent of damage being unknown. The survivors were far more preoccupied with the living than the dead.

One death every beast was sure of was the penta-marked scorpion that led this attack. There was no epic finale of a battle—no incredible display of will and skill. The exhausted scorpion eventually fell to the accumulated wounds and enervation that built up over the course of this battle.

While the numbers of the fallen had yet to be ascertained, there were a few notable mentions from the City of Beasts.

The tiger king perished from his wounds before the antidote and crystals could be administered to him. The wolf king was critically injured and likely to follow his fellow king. The leopard king's leg was broken and would forever impair him unless something was done about it.

The ape king his ape clan suffered minimal losses compared to the other clans. As they weren't made for combat, the ape king holed up inside his castle with his clan members and the half of the city's females that did not relocate.

The ape king believed this to be a good move as it would give the warriors a singular location to focus on protecting. But dissent follows grief. And with a loss of this scale, someone was expected to be held accountable.

As the only king currently left standing, and the orchestrator of the city's defense response, responsibility naturally fell on the ape king's shoulders. The only saving grace that kept the people from complaining was the fact that only one female died in the attack. No others were lost.


The ape king strained and used his abilities to see the battlefield. Corpses no longer littered the area as they were piled up into mass graves. There were no enemy forces remaining and all fighting had ceased.

Bard let up on his ability before it taxed him and gave the order to his clan. "The females may return to their homes. The battle is over."

Celebratory cries rang out in the castle.

Bard did not join them. He was still collecting reports, and their casualties already totaled in the thousands. The enemy force had totaled less than 700, but they had dealt a severe blow to the city. Especially when it came to the kings.

The wolf king still clung to his life, but it was by a spider's thread. The leopard king was healing well, but he would always walk with a limp. The tiger king was dead, and the position was now vacant.

But the ape king did not regret the losses. His visions had shown him the terrible might of the scorpion beast that led the onslaught. Having such a great danger eliminated warranted the cost.

And he was nothing if not an opportunistic male. He wanted to take the chance and claim more power and planned to by guiding the people of the city back to prosperity. But first, he needed to try and save the lives that he could, especially those that would benefit him.

His close aid, and greatest supporter, the wolf king would be the ideal survivor that was worth using the rest of their crystals on. But it was only worth it if it could heal him.

Bard had given him just enough to stay alive, but the problem was the internal damage and broken limbs. The scorpion venom was combatted using the antidote, but it didn't do anything for the wounds suffered. The limbs were healing wrong and would cause the wolf king excruciating pain for the rest of his life if left as is. Assuming that he survived, that is.

The ape king hung his head. There was little he could do. No amount of begging from the wolf king's mate could change that.

Winston's name was brought up more than once, but the ape king discouraged looking for him. The reports said that Winston's wounds were severe and nothing he could quickly heal from.

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