Chapter 69

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Double update cause I have shit to say.

I wrote a summary for that story--

It's shitty but I tried. I'll probably make it better later. But for now, this works 😂


Felix is a 19 year old omega, going to college in Korea away from his family. A year ago, he got a 27 year old alpha for a roommate named Hyunjin. They never really talked much. Felix is generally unsettled by Hyunjin's behavior. Enough that Felix writes a diary about Hyunjin, but...what if things take a turn? When Felix, desperate for a mate as he's soon to turn 20 with no experience starts to look for a mate, what then? What if Felix's change fuels change in Hyunjin?

For better or for worse?


It's omegaverse, and the ships are:

Seungbin(?)(Haven't decided)


Anyway, that's what we're looking at for the next book. Won't be published for probably another month, but if you're interested, that's in my plans.

But anyway, the next thing--

Will be mentioned at the end. Enjoy❤️


After Chan broke the news, all of the other alphas ran away. Even Hyunjin and Seungmin, who clearly didn't feel like it, were nervously running to hide in their rooms. Leaving a disappointed Chan overlooking me and a shocked Jisung and Jeongin.

"Hyung, you're pregnant?" Jeongin asked softly as his eyes flitted over to Jisung nervously.

Chan's eyes landed on Jisung too, as the oldest omega seemed to be taking in the information. He quietly processed it as he stared down at my belly from where Minho had so graciously knocked me out of his lap to run. All three of us watched him quietly as he was loading, before the omega suddenly let out a little disbelieving laugh.

"When are we gonna DNA test it?" He asked softly as he looked up at Chan with his disbelieving eyes.

"You want to test it?" Chan asked incredulously. "I thought you didn't care who the mother and father were?"

"I want to know which of my alphas knocked up the new mate despite half of you refusing to mate with me raw for fear of the same thing." He mumbled softly. "I don't care that Felix is pregnant. I've told him before that it just helps my pup agenda. I'm happy that he's pregnant. But I'm not happy that it happened when my mates actively refuse to do to me what you jerks have apparently been doing with him. How many of you have mated him raw? Hmm? Did you do it, hyung? Did you ever touch him unprotected? Could this possibly be your pup that he's carrying? Because if it is, I think that as your mate of an ongoing eight year mark now, I should have a hell of a talk with you if it is. How long have I been begging you for a pup? How long have you been refusing to mate me to avoid it? You haven't tried mating me in a pretty long time. The last time we got sexual together was when Jeongin and I got Felix to lose his virginity to you. Did you bust a nut to that? Even though you haven't properly mated me in nearly a year now?"

Chan stared down at Jisung with wide eyes as Jisung started to accuse him of neglecting him. He furrowed his brows as Jisung glared expectantly at him. He looked to Jeongin and I both for help, clearly not knowing what to say. And...since it was my fault that he was in the position, I tried to speak up.

"All of the alphas but Changbin hyung have mated me raw. But I don't think that Chan hyung is the one that got me pregnant." I mumbled softly. "I have no idea who it could be. But Chan hyung hasn't mated me unprotected recently enough for it to have been him. I'm pretty sure I had my heat while I was pregnant. Unless I'm missing something and Changbin hyung mated me unprotected when I was on my heat, then...if I had to guess, the most likely culprit would have to be Seungmin. Hyunjin hyung shouldn't have been fertile when he did it. And Seungmin was the most recent other that did it.'s a guesstimate. If you want to DNA test the pup, I'll do it."

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