Chapter 41

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Thank you for 92k and 93k on August 21st~❤️

So, a little behind the scenes on me writing the previous chapter...

Remember when Chan mentioned that he had been 'using' Felix to make Jisung feel better about their relationship?

Originally whenever I wrote that chapter, it went a very different direction. Felix freaked out, and the two got into a big fight. He demanded that Chan drive him home. And he did, but Chan had to pull over as Felix started getting hysterical. On the freeway, in a no park zone, you know? Emergencies only. And Changbin and Minho catch them in the cop car and Minho chews Felix out (I won't go into why, but he almost caused a wreck on the highway). Felix breaks down even more, and he begs for everything to end. He wanted to stop the relationship, and rather than everyone meeting his family, Chan was going to accept Felix's wishes and Felix's mother would meet Chan and Felix at the airport...and they would leave to Australia. That was meant to be the moment that Chan confessed to Felix. As well as when Felix was going to board the plane with his mother, the other mates arriving at the airport (Hyunjin, Jisung, Jeongin and Seungmin) and them screaming and begging for him to come back to talk about things. Chan and Felix never told any of the others the reasoning for him wanting to leave. And--Felix did leave.

That was meant to be the major turning point to the story, that would lead to the next part. But, I felt like there needed to be more development on the relationship and reason for Felix to want to return to them, so that idea didn't work, and I scrapped it. I wrote 2 more chapters on that premise, but I scrapped them too and spent time instead rewriting the story into what you saw as the previous chapter.

So, hearing that, which way do you think you would have preferred the story to go? Have Felix leave in such a way, or...what you're going to see in this chapter?

Also, y'all are already saying how you love Felix's mom. I think y'all are really gonna like her after this chapter lol.


To say the ride to my apartment was silent and awkward would be an understatement.

I never answered Chan's confession.

Frankly, I couldn't.

Every time I opened my mouth, it would only close and I would blush. I would look away, and that would be that. And Chan seemed to be having the same problem. Though...he just seemed to be having trouble understanding my answer. He seemed pleased with himself, while I was left completely distraught at hearing a romantic interest tell me they were in love with me for the first time.

Like...a serious 'I love you'.

I had no idea what to say. My heart pounded throughout the entire drive. And even when he parked the car outside of my apartment and softly mentioned how everyone else was already here and upstairs, I still didn't say anything or get out of the car. So, the alpha came around to my door and opened it for me.

"Come on." He mumbled softly, still blushing as badly as he was before.

I obediently got out of the car. He closed my door for me, and then--

He gently grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, sending a very...I would say unwelcome rush of butterflies through me, but the moment made me gasp. Chan smiled a little at me as I tightly grasped his hand back, though I ignored his handsome smile as best as I could and kept my eyes--and my stupid quivering lips--trained towards the ground.

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