Chapter 19

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Are the mass comments over? 👀

Okay! Have a third chapter!

Y'all are commenting faster than I can read them 😂 I'm impatient and I want things to pick up, so I'm gonna update again.

Triple update❤️ don't forget to read chapter 18 and the bonus chapter❤️

I'm trying to motivate myself into hanging up my posters 😅 my family has finished moving into our new home, and I've already pretty well settled my room. All I have to do is put my posters up. But this will be an hours long ordeal.

Also, fun fact--

My mom managed to buy me a brand new bed from a mattress store for 50 bucks. And you know what I did?

Within 24 hours of having it, I spilled root beer on it. I had the root beer in my lap for an hour and forgot it was there. I went to get up and it spilled in the middle of my bed with no sheet or cover or anything on it. So now, the brand new bed has a giant yellow stain.



Not long after Jisung and Jeongin had left me on my own, Chan came back into the room. The alpha seemed irritable, though it didn't seem like it was because Jisung or Jeongin had said anything to him. Rather, he seemed irritable just because of my preheat.

"You're still in here?" He mumbled as he returned to his room. "You're going to send me into a rut, baby."

"Sorry." I mumbled. "I didn't have anywhere else to go."

"Can't you go and sit with Jisung and Jeongin in Jisung's room? Why did they leave you?" Chan asked with a scoff.

"Um..." I gave him a little sheepish look. "I...may or may not have pissed them off really bad..." I mumbled. "And...they may or may not be extremely mad at me right now..."

He rose an eyebrow at me. "What did you say?"

"I don't want to tell you..." I mumbled. "You're gonna get mad at me too..."

He scoffed at me again. "Did you deliberately antagonize them?"

"No, but...they got mad anyway..."

Chan hissed softly at me when I confirmed his suspicions. "Why?"

"...It just ended up that way. I said something stupid without thinking..." I mumbled with a little pout. "I didn't think they'd get mad at me..."

Chan sighed. "If it was something they could get so mad over, why did you think it would be a good idea in the first place?"

"I didn't know they'd get mad. I didn't think it was a mean thing in the first place..."

"What do you mean?" He asked with a scoff as he came to sit next to me on the bed.

"They were arguing. We were talking about your relationship, and Jisung hyung was explaining the timeline and everything. And while I was explaining it back to him to make sure that I was understanding properly, I called Seungmin and Jeongin liking each other before all of you guys knew an 'affair'. And Jeongin didn't like it. He was a little pissy about it, and Jisung hyung said that it was an affair. I tried to stop them from arguing, but...then I just compared you and I to Jeongin and Seungmin. And Jeongin got mad at me for it. He asked me if I thought that I was better than him because you introduced me so quickly, but Seungmin didn't do the same for him. I guess it could have come off as antagonizing after they had just argued, but...I was also just being honest. I said that I would never forgive Seungmin or Jeongin if the roles had been reversed and they'd done that to me. And Jisung hyung and Jeongin both got really mad. They mistook my intentions..."

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