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11k words of minlix for you guys 😭 just before this hits 800k. I love you guys🥰

Longer note at the end lol


I don't know how much time has passed. I stopped counting the days. If that's to say that I was even counting them in the first place since Felix broke up with me.

When I went back home, I did it once my tears had completely dried out. When my eyes were no longer puffy. Not to say that I felt better, no--I still felt just as bad as when I left home. But I had no more tears to cry in that moment. And at least it wouldn't be obvious that I had been crying to my other mates.

Half of my pride is broken.

I can't let the other half go towards my mates seeing me cry.

I was too prideful. I regretted a lot of things at this point, with most of them revolving around Felix and the way I'd treated him. Every waking moment that passed, I wanted to see him so badly. Going as far as looking at our CCTV system to look at past recordings of him in our home, just to be able to see his face.

I fucking love him.

And I don't even know when I started.

But I miss him so bad. I missed him before, when he'd left for Australia. But I didn't even get to satisfy my love for him then when he returned. It was all my fault, but...

I can't focus. I haven't been able to focus in a while. I don't think any of my mates have noticed my lapse in focus, though. Besides Changbin, anyway. The other half to my whole, my missing piece. I could see it in his face when he looked at me, that he knew something was off. He kissed me more often lately. He didn't ask, didn't pry. But he tried to make up for whatever was hurting me with plenty of affection. He picked up my slack, chose to try and care for me when I couldn't care less about myself. Every waking moment, it felt like he was here with me, holding me. He watched me like a hawk, like he expected me to eventually do something that would allude to him my feelings.

But I was just as watchful of myself. At least where letting out my feelings were concerned. The few times Changbin wasn't with me...when he returned, he smelled like Felix. Which just made things worse for me. Though I don't think that Changbin ever realized that it was Felix's scent that made me hold him closer some nights.

Now, it had least a week, I'd guess. The door to the garage opened, signaling to the rest of us that Chan had returned home. I paid little attention to the sound of him coming in, and only glanced over at the entrance as he stepped through the doorway into our living room.

My eyes widened and I tensed as my eyes fell on Felix before they even hit Chan. Chan spoke, but I didn't hear a damn word he said.


I was on edge. Immediately afraid at the sight of Felix, I got up with the intention of bolting to hide while he was here.

"Minho, sit your ass back down." Chan snapped just as I got halfway to the hallway.



I ignored him, only for Chan to speak again. This time, in a loud, yelled alpha voice that made me flinch and tense even more. "Sit down."


I wasn't brave enough to challenge him on his command. I didn't want to be here. At all. But I was more afraid of angering Chan more than I was of Felix. Cause if Chan was using his alpha voice on his mates, he meant business.

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