Chapter 40

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Thank you for 84k, 85k and 86k on August 18th, 87k, 88k and 89k on August 19th and 90k and 91k on August 20th~❤️

Yay~~ 6k words~~ long chapter~~

Also, I added birth years to the age sections of the character introduction. I know their birth dates don't entirely make sense with the years I gave them, but that's how it's going to be. It's a little too late for me to change the ages 😅 Jeongin and Hyunjin's ages are the problem. Because Jeongin has to be a year younger than Seungmin, since Seungmin is older than Jeongin but has a late birthday but Jeongin has an early one. So I was like, 'okay, we'll make this take place after February so things make sense'. But then I realized that in the story (where I am) 2 months have passed and if this starts a little after Jeongin's birthday in February, then Hyunjin's would have hit. And Hyunjin's age is the same as Jisung's. If I said that Hyunjin's birthday had hit to make him 23, then technically Jisung would be older. But he's portrayed as younger. It's just a bit of a mess and I can't really fix it 😅 but I wanted to give them birthyears. A lot of you guys are seeing their ages wrong, so I wanted to add some mor clarification. But because of the member's birth dates, there's no logical way for me to make the birthyears and make them make sense. So we're just gonna go with it, okay? It's too late for me to add in a random bday party mention for Jeongin to make it make sense 😅 we're gonna pretend this takes place around the February-March time frame, I guess? But let's also pretend their birthdays are different. Cause I thought about this for a while and there's literally nothing I can do to fix it unless I change Jeongin or Hyunjin's ages. Oh well 🥲

But anyway, so you guys don't have to look at the edited intro, here are the assigned birthyears.

Chan: 1996 (26yo)
Minho: 1997 (25yo)
Changbin: 1998 (24yo)
Hyunjin: 1999 (23yo)
Jisung: 1999 (23yo)
Felix: 2000 (22yo)
Seungmin: 2001 (21yo)
Jeongin: 2002 (21yo)


I honestly had no idea what to do with myself.

Before I knew it, the three days had passed. And I hadn't seen any of the others since. And though they were very active in the group chat, talking about casual things like what to eat for dinner or when everyone would be home. Or the occasional sudden nude from anyone that was home, followed by praises from the others.

In other words, a cute relationship.

And it felt like I was just looking in on it.

Each time I could leave them on read, I would see a few messages with my name in it. But I ignored each of them. I had no idea what had gotten into me, but the more that I looked in on them now, the more I was starting to feel a bit upset.

My mother is supposed to be coming today. She messaged me that she was boarding her plane just an hour ago, and would be here in two. I'll have to get over these feelings before she gets here and I have to see them all again.

But I guess for now, I just have to put on a brave face in front of Chan.

That can't be so hard, right?

The moment that I walked into the coffee shop from the back though, I found Chan grinning and talking animatedly into his phone as he prepared his station.

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