Chapter 72

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Edit: Sorry I took these down. This chapter and chapter 73 were having some technical difficulties

⚠️Heads up!⚠️

I wanted to clarify something important for later in this chapter ^^

There is a mention of a South Korean law in the chapter. It is the time limit that you have before you can no longer get an abortion, as the baby is too far along. You know, those laws that compromise abortion. In South Korea, past 14 weeks (in Felix's case) he will not be able to get an abortion.


Because this is an omegaverse, the gestation time is 2/3s that of a normal human's gestation time. So naturally, for an omega, 14 weeks is not the same as it would be for a human. Because for an omega, that's 1/2 the pregnancy. But for a human, that's 1/3. And that's a big difference.

So, for the sake of the story, I'm going to say that the legal time to get an abortion is at 11 weeks. That way it matches up more with the omega's gestation time compared to the human's gestation time. I know it is not factually correct. But for the sake of the story, it will be. Okay?

Anyway, enjoy the chapter 😊


Within the next few hours, we were all on our way to the hospital. Mainly for Hyunjin and Seungmin's appointment, but also for me to test with the four alphas to see which of them was the pup's father. Minho was clinging to me the entire time, making it known pretty quickly that we had both made up to the others, even though they didn't say anything about it. Just smirked knowingly and went on their way.

Him clinging to me was also how I figured out where the ring on my finger had come from, as well. I noticed a very similar ring sitting on his finger, with the only difference being a light blue gem set on it. And after a bit of bugging, the alpha admitted he had gotten promise rings yesterday as a tactic for trying to make conversation and make up with me--even though he didn't even get to use it.


I'm really happy to have a promise ring from the alpha, regardless of the motives...

So, I made a point to wear the ring and hold his ringed hand constantly, purring loudly everytime I would hear the sound of the two metal bands gently touching when we would hold hands. And we stayed cuddled up together as we went into the hospital, sitting in the waiting room quietly together with Changbin, Jisung and Jeongin, while Chan was at the desk doing paperwork for Hyunjin and Seungmin, as the two alphas were already on their way back.

Did I mention we specifically came in the middle of the night to avoid other people? No? Okay.

If there was one thing I did notice, it was how awkward each of my mates looked as Chan was mentioning that they wanted to test who was the father of my pup. I honestly didn't care about the questioning look I got from the desk staff over having four potential fathers, knowing good and well that they were probably labeling me a slut in their minds.

I don't care what they think. That attitude is apart of being a nurse. Don't stick your nose into other's business.

But my other mates all seemed like they didn't like to mention the relationship. Hyunjin, Minho and Changbin had all seemed a bit nervous when I had mentioned it to Hyunjin's doctor when he went to the hospital the first time, and now as it was being implied even a little as Chan was talking to the desk to get paternity tests, each of them were visibly uncomfortable.

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