Chapter 56

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Thank you for 184k, 185k and 186k on September 26th, 187k, 188k and 189k on September 27th, 190k on September 28th and 191k and 192k on September 29th~❤️

I'm gonna be honest, we're probably never gonna have an eightsome chapter in this story 💀 I have no damn idea how to write an eight people orgy. Like--I've literally just spent long periods of time laying in bed, brainstorming how the fuck I could write that. And I can't wrap my head around it. So sorry 💀 the fivesome between Felix and four of the alphas will have to be the wildest thing we see in this book. Cause an eightsome is


⚠️Second A/N at end of chapter❤️


When Jeongin and I got back, it was three o' clock. And my fucking God--

Hyunjin was shirtless in the yard, doing yard work and looking like a God. As Jeongin drove down the driveway, I stared at Hyunjin with wide eyes as he pushed a lawnmower along, visibly sweaty with his shirt tied around his waist. He looked over at us as we pulled up and waved, pausing only for a moment before he went back to what he was doing. Jeongin parked his car in the garage, before he went out the garage door to go and see Hyunjin. And I quickly followed, wanting to see my handsome mate up close.

"Baby!" Jeongin called over the sound of the lawnmower, catching Hyunjin's attention. He turned off his lawnmower and turned to look at us, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand as he smiled.

"Hey." He crooned. "Where did you two go?" He asked as he untied his shirt from his waist and started to wipe off some of the sweat on his face, quirking an eyebrow a bit as he seemed to sniff the air too.

"We went to see Chan hyung and get food." Jeongin said with a smile. "Where have you been?"

"I went on my walk early this morning, then I went to go and pick up some tires that Changbin hyung ordered for Felix's car. The tread on the tires of that new car aren't good enough to be brand new. Changbin hyung thinks that the dealership switched out the new tires with some other ones." He said, rolling his eyes. "So he spent about two thousand and ordered some brand new ones. They're sitting in the back of Minho hyung's truck. I think Minho hyung is gonna switch out the tires when he and Changbin hyung get off of work."

"Minho hyung is gonna do some car work?" Jeongin asked, his eyes lighting up.

"Yeah. I think he's gonna check the oil and coolant too. Make sure that everything is full and working properly." Hyunjin said as he sniffed the air again absentmindedly. "We don't want our baby getting stranded, after all." He said, winking at me as he wiped the sweat off of his arms.

"Does Minho hyung know how to do that kind of stuff?" I asked curiously as I looked between the two, ignoring Hyunjin's flirting and sniffing. "Is he a car wiz?"

"While he was putting himself through his police training course, Minho hyung did some mechanic work. So yeah, he's usually the one that does the work on our cars." Hyunjin answered as he licked his lips, his eyes falling on Jeongin. "And he's pretty good about it. Minho hyung is a handy man."

"And he's really fucking hot when he does it." Jeongin said, licking his lips, not noticing Hyunjin being hyperfocused on it. "I never thought that seeing a man covered in car oil and grease would be hot until I saw Minho hyung shirtless and covered in it from head to toe."

Hyunjin hummed his agreement as Jeongin seemed to be fantasizing about Minho, while Hyunjin seemed to be staring Jeongin down.

Jeongin mentioned his heat was coming. I wonder if Hyunjin can smell it...?

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