Chapter 42

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Thank you for 94k and 95k on August 21st, 96k and 97k on August 22nd and 98k and 99k on August 23rd~❤️

More or less a filler 😅

Also, idk if you guys realize this or not, but we're only just now about to hit the 2 month mark. Meaning, at this chapter, Felix has only known the others for...under 2 months now. And 2 weeks of that time was from the 2nd chapter, while Chan was doing his background work with the others 😅 you guys really want Felix to go 'I love you' mode before he's known them for even 2 months yet--😂


Not long after my mother had left and we had all relaxed, half the room had to leave. Minho and Changbin both begrudgingly put their socks and shoes back on and left, while Jeongin and Jisung both had to fight their ways out of an alpha's lap--that delayed them leaving. Jeongin had an easier time since Seungmin had to leave with Jisung and Jeongin anyway, but Hyunjin proved to be a pissy nightmare when Jisung stood up.

"Where are you going?" Hyunjin growled softly as he grabbed Jisung's hand and pulled him back into his lap. "Stay with me." He grumbled as he fixed his amber eyes onto Jisung.

"I have to go to work, baby." Jisung mumbled, giving Hyunjin a kiss before he tried to pull away from Hyunjin again. But all he got was a snarl and a hard nip on the neck in return.

Jisung let out a whimper at the bite and went limp instinctively, before he looked at the other alphas with a pleading pout.

"Hyunjin, let him go." Chan grumbled. "He has to go."

"No." Hyunjin mumbled stubbornly.

"Yes." Chan said, as he gently nudged me to get out of his lap. I obediently crawled out of his lap, and the alpha got up to go and pry Jisung out of Hyunjin's lap. Hyunjin snarled at the other alpha and angrily bit Chan when he tried to touch Jisung. Chan hissed in pain and showed his own amber eyes to Hyunjin, but that just provoked the other alpha. Jisung whimpered softly from his spot in the middle of the two alphas growling at each other. Chan clenched his teeth in pain as Hyunjin sank his canines further and further into his hand, but Chan let Hyunjin bite him. Chan instead used his free hand to try and get Hyunjin's hands off of Jisung, though it proved to be futile.

"Seungmin, grab his other hand." Chan hissed as Hyunjin clawed Chan's other arm. Seungmin groaned in annoyance, but obediently walked around the couch so he could get close to Hyunjin without blocking Jisung from crawling out once he was released. Hyunjin kicked at Chan and clawed both alphas as Seungmin tried to get his other hand off of Jisung, but even with Chan holding off one of Hyunjin's hands and Seungmin and Jisung both trying to get Hyunjin's other hand off, Hyunjin proved to be stronger than them both. And Chan, the stronger alpha, had one hand caught in Hyunjin's teeth. Jeongin watched nervously, clearly unsure if he should attempt to help. He looked a bit scared to go over to the growling alphas, and if he did go, what was stopping Hyunjin from grabbing and holding him hostage too? Jeongin also had to leave.


I bit my lip as I watched the alphas and Jisung struggle, trying to think of something I could to do help.


I frowned a little, before I began to release pheromones. As thickly as I could, I tried to catch Hyunjin's attention with my scent. And though it took a long time for him to notice during his stand off with the other two alphas, when he noticed my scent, he immediately focused his amber eyes on me.

I hugged my knees to my chest and gave him a little shy smile, before I tilted my head to the side to show him his mating bite. And like clockwork, the alpha's grip on Jisung loosened. Jisung flew out of Hyunjin's lap the moment he was able to break free, and Chan pried Hyunjin's teeth out of his hand now that Jisung was out of harm's way. But the moment that Hyunjin was completely released, the alpha crawled across the couch to me.

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