Chapter 52

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Thank you for 154k, 155k and 156k on September 15th, 157k, 158k and 159k on September 16th and 160k and 161k on September 17th~❤️

I've been writing a new omegaverse😏

And neglecting this book 😅 but I have a good bit of chapters put back~ so it's okay~ sksksk.


When we got to my apartment, Chan laid down across my couch and crooned loudly, leaving no space for me to go except for on top of him--so that's exactly what I did. I softly purred at him and laid down on his chest, before I pecked his cheek and pulled out my phone.

"I'm gonna call my mom, okay? Then we can get down to business." I said as I suggestively rubbed his side before I sat up and chilled on his hips. "Is that okay?"

"Are you scheduling sex with me?" He asked with a cheeky smile as he shifted his hips beneath me.

I smiled. "Is that a problem? Considering you're grinding on me? I think you're more horny that I am."

"Of course I am. I want to claim you as soon as I can. So hurry up with your call or I'll mate you while you're on it." He said as he sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You guys are way too comfortable with exhibitionism." I mumbled as I dialed my mother's number. "Be quiet. Horny alphas don't get speaking privileges." I said as I put my finger over his lips and gently pushed him back onto the couch.

"Alright Mrs. Bang." He crooned. I blushed and immediately smacked his chest for suggesting such a thing, while he chuckled at me.

"I'm a male! With how often you guys strip me, I would assume you're aware!"

"That's your problem with that sentence?" He asked with a smirk. "And regardless of your gender, I'm pansexual. So I don't care in the first place." He said as he groped my thigh. "And I'm serious. Hurry with your call or I'll start breeding you in the middle of it."

"Don't call it breeding." I scolded softly, before I pressed the call button and shushed Chan. He snickered softly in between his croons, and continued to grope my thigh, pulling them apart before he shifted his hips beneath me again and sat up, taking off his shirt as I glared at him warningly, just as my mother answered the call.

"You never call me! What's the occasion?!" My mother screeched. And before I could respond, Chan crooned into the call.

"Hello, eomma!" He called, earning a slap on the chest. I hissed at him as he chuckled, hugging me tight and tucking his nose into my neck.

"Oh, hello honey!" She purred. But before she should strike up a conversation with Chan, I interrupted--both by requesting a video call so Chan couldn't try anything, and by speaking as I angled my phone's camera so only Chan's bare shoulders could be seen.

"Mom, I have my graduation date." I said in English as she accepted the video call and her face came onto the screen. "And guess what?"

"What?" She asked as she looked at me curiously.

"I'm the valedictorian." I said with a smile.

"Of course my boy is the valedictorian! I always knew you were a smart child!" My mother purred. "Honey! Felix is the valedictorian of his class!" My mother called into the background.

"Of course he is! He's my son!" My father called back. I heard him shuffling over, before he came into screen with a big smile. Only to look surprised when he saw Chan hugging me. "Who is this?"

Chan gave my father a friendly smile. "I'm Felix's mate, sir."

"Mate?" My father repeated with wide eyes, before he looked at me. "Mate?"

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