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So you see--

I originally intended to try and update this when you guys hit this at 500k reads. But then I forgot 💀

So here! Have it when we're nearly at 600k! Lol.

But anyway, this is just gonna be a noncanon scenario. It will take place back when Felix was still unnerved by Hyunjin (when he had just came to live with him for that short while, due to his bills) and during the time when Hyunjin and Felix were alone together (when they played the dancing game back in like chapter 24), and...I'll make it a scenario like...ykw? You'll see.

This lightly followed a prompt one of you guys requested like--months ago. And it's a very basic one shot, but hey-- I thought it was cute.

Anyway, I know it's been awhile 😅 but I swear that I haven't forgotten the bonus chapters you guys have asked for. I remember. I'm just slow as hell fulfilling them 😅

But, I hope that you enjoy this little noncanon part~


It's...really awkward being alone with Hyunjin in the house...

I can't brave leaving the room. I'm so hungry, and it's been freaking hours since I woke up. But I can't leave, because Jisung told Hyunjin that I was gonna get some freaking kissing and sex lessons from him!

Once again, my stomach let out an embarrassingly loud growl as I curled up on the guest bedroom's bed, feeling super out of place in someone else's home. I wished so badly to just crawl out the window and just walk in a direction until I found a restaurant, but...I can't even pay my damn water bill. How am I supposed to afford food at a restaurant?

But I'm so hungry--

But I can't afford a restaurant! And it's a terrible idea to go and get lost walking around to find one!


I'm not even brave enough to leave the guest room. Or even talk to Hyunjin. How was I supposed to? I can't imagine ever talking to him with a straight face after he decided to sneak up on me naked in the kitchen! Much less be brave enough to ask him for food in his house!

I rolled around on the bed, groaning as my stomach continued to growl. Whining as it honestly kind of hurt, before I let out a frustrated hiss and, in a fit of hungry anger, I got off of the bed and went to the door. Then...I froze in front of it, before I softly groaned and banged my forehead on it out of anger.

I shouldn't do that again. This isn't my property to headbutt. But...

I paused, waiting to see if there might be any reaction from Hyunjin about the sound. His bedroom was as far from this one as possible, so I guess it made sense that he couldn't hear it. But that's just assuming he's in his bedroom in the first place.

...Maybe he left? Not that it matters. I'm not gonna go rummaging in their cabinets. But...

I gulped, taking in a deep breath, before I let out an annoyed sigh and put my hand on the doorknob. Glaring at the door from where my forehead rested against it, before I hissed and opened the door.

Fuck it! I'll go and talk to him and beg for food if I have to!

--That was my determined thought. But my legs wobbled nervously as I slowly made my way down the hall, inching slowly but surely towards his room...and abruptly stopping when I heard some soft noises coming inside the room.

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