Chapter 13

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Thank you for 5k and 6k on May 30th and June 2nd~❤️

This is #2 in mpreg rn and I still don't know if it's actually going to have mpreg in it or not 😅


When I woke up, it was to fingers gently brushing through my hair. I groaned softly and cracked my eyes open, to find a worried looking Chan staring down at me.

"Hey." He mumbled softly. "How do you feel?"

I stared up at him quietly for a few moments, before my eyes wandered around. I was in his room, in bed with him, with the covers pulled over both of our bodies to our waists. The alpha was propped up on one of his elbows, while I laid flat on my back next to him. I looked back at him, before I groaned softly again.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

"Well." He had a frown on his face at first, but at my question, it slowly started to turn into a smile as he held in a little laugh. "You, uh...fainted. You saw Hyunjin naked, and you passed out in the middle of the kitchen."

Oh. Right.

I blushed when the memory came back to me. He smiled down at me when he saw me blushing, and chuckled when I cuddled close to him and buried my face into his chest.

"I don't know who's more upset. You because you saw him naked, or him because of your reaction to seeing him naked. According to him, you screamed the moment you saw his dick. He didn't take that as a compliment." He said, as he started to break down into laughter. "Did he shock you that badly?"

"Leave me alone..." I whined. "I've never seen a naked man before..."

"Oh?" He snickered. "Well, I'm glad I wasn't the first then. I don't want you screaming to my dick." He said, before he paused. "Unless you're on it, I mean."

I slapped his shoulder. "Shush!" I whined, before I pulled away from him. "Why did he even come out like that anyway?" I whined. "Who walks around a house naked like that?!"

Chan cleared his throat.

"A crazy person." He said with a weird smile.

I scoffed at him, staring at him and his weird reaction for a moment. But then, I started putting two and two together. And then, I actually looked at the alpha.

I threw the blanket off of him suspiciously, to find that he was in his underwear. He watched me with that little smile, before he crooned softly.

"Well, you certainly didn't hesitate with me." He said smugly, before he reached over and gently touched my waist that was still bare from earlier.

"Shut up." I grumbled. "I've already seen you most of the way anyway. I'd never even met that guy before. I don't think I even really got a good look at his face."

"Damn. You should have." Chan said with a smile. "Hyunjin is probably the most attractive out of all of us."

"Well, it's kind of hard to pay attention to his face when his dick is on display." I grumbled, before I cuddled up next to Chan again. "Please don't let your mates walk around naked like that anymore when I'm here. I don't think my heart can take another incident like that."

He chuckled softly. "Yeah, I'll tell them. Though Hyunjin and I are usually the only culprits. The others usually just walk around shirtless or something. Very rarely will you see someone casually walking around fully naked. And even if you do, it's typically because they're looking for someone to mate with and want to get a taker quickly."

"I still don't want to hear about your sex life..." I grumbled.

He smiled. "Fine. Then tell me about what you omegas were doing earlier. Particularly you and Jisung."

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