Chapter 17

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I had wattpad notifications turned off on my phone and I didn't do it 😭 HOW COULD MY PHONE DO THIS TO ME?! I WAS WONDERING WHY MY PHONE WAS SO SILENT!!

But anyway, sksksk, have a second chapter today as a gift. Hope you like it 😏 but tbh, I'm giving a second chapter today because I'm ready for you guys to see what's kicking off with me lol. Plus, you're getting a bonus chapter next time I update, so there will be 2 chapters in 4 days again. So why not? Lol.

I'm gonna either 1, go back to working on this book, or 2, go back to watching my Thai BL. I'm watching AiLongNhai and I'm thoroughly enjoying it 😌 Nhai is sooooo cute sksksk~


When Chan and I got to his house, the first thing that happened--after Jisung kissed us both--was Chan announced that I had been living without electricity for five days. To which, there were six angry growls and hisses at me as soon as we walked into the living room. I hissed at Chan for outing me, just before I was surrounded by Jisung and Jeongin. The two omegas hugged me possessively, each softly whining.

"Why would you do that? You could have come home to us..." Jeongin whined softly.

"We're warm cuddle buddies, aren't we? You could have slept in my room with us if you didn't have electricity..." Jisung whined. "Why didn't you say anything? I would have paid the bill for you..."

"I already paid it for him." Chan grumbled. "I'm making him stay here until his house warms up. Then I'm gonna take him home."

"You're taking him home? What if he's lying and the electricity wasn't the only thing cut off? Does he have water?" Hyunjin asked suspiciously as he crawled over Seungmin to come closer to us but still remain on the couch. "Check it when you take him home."

"I have water..." I grumbled. "I'm not lying about anything else. I just had to pay my classes this month and couldn't afford everything immediately with my roommate leaving. I'm fine."

"Really?" Hyunjin asked as he got up and came over to me. The alpha, who I still barely knew, came over and hugged me tight, before he softly growled in my ear. "Don't you ever let me hear that you're going without, do you understand me?" I tensed up a bit when the alpha snarled in my ear. I tried to back up a bit, but he held onto me and pulled me back in. "Understand?" He asked again.

"Hyunjin." Chan softly scolded. "Calm down, baby. You're going to scare him." He mumbled, gently taking Hyunjin's hands that were squeezing me. Hyunjin softly growled at Chan, but obediently let me go and stormed off down the hall towards his bedroom.

Well then...

I looked up at Chan nervously, while Jisung and Jeongin both ran down the hall after Hyunjin, I assume to talk to him. "Is he okay...?" I asked with a little frown.

"Yeah, he's fine. He's just really...irritable when it comes to hearing about others going without something basic like water or electricity. He was homeless for two years when he was sixteen to eighteen, so it really bothers him."

"Oh..." Right, Jisung mentioned that before...

"Yeah." Chan mumbled. "He'll be alright. Jisung and Jeongin will calm him down. But," He gently took my shoulders and made me look up at him. "All of us are serious. Don't let us ever find out that you have something cut off, do you understand? We'll pay it for you, no matter what it is. No matter how much it costs."

"I don't want to ask you for your money..."

"We have plenty of it, baby. Don't worry about that." Changbin called from the couch from where he was chilling in Minho's lap now.

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