Chapter 4

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Anyway, I have changed to Target to get my pre-order of 5 star 😌 I feel like they will be MUCH MORE REASONABLE with taking my mass amounts of gift cards that I specifically saved for mass buying the new album. If they don't, then I guess I'm screwed. I may have to try and trade 80$ worth of gift cards to my grandma for cash just to get these albums 😒 all because Amazon is a bitch.

Fucking hate Amazon. Bitches.

(1 day later...)

I have 3 albums preordered from target. Turns out, they weren't so lenient about my gift cards. But my grandma took them off my hands and let me order the albums on her card in return. Now I just need to hope the two randoms I get are different, and just buy the last one in store 😌

Also, sorry I'm posting this so late in the day. I was helping my sister move into a new apartment all day and this completely left my mind 😅


About a week passed before I saw Chan again. And as soon as he saw me, he approached to flirt.

"Hey." He said with a smile, reaching out to hold my waist from behind as I tried to tidy up my work station before opening.

"Hey." I mumbled, not even sparing him a glance.

"You look beautiful today." He said, before he leaned in and tucked his nose into my neck. "Smell good, too." He mumbled with a mischievous smile.

"Thanks." I grumbled, before I elbowed him. "That's sweet of you to say, but I'm trying to work."

The alpha only smiled at the sharpness of my tongue. He pecked my cheek and let go of me, but he stood nearby. "I missed you. It's boring to work without you. I like seeing you every time I turn around."

"Sunbaenim, if this is the best you can do at flirting with me, I suggest you stop." I grumbled, sending him a little glare, before I started to prepare the toppings.

"It's not. I'm just trying to be respectful with my flirting, since there are cameras here. I can't exactly tap your ass and risk you filing harassment with evidence, if you decide you don't like it."

"You've already touched my ass. And besides, you know I'm not happy with your touches. I wouldn't file harassment, but you'd probably get the worst ass chewing from an omega you've ever received."

"I wouldn't mind. I think it's cute." He said, before he pecked my cheek again. "And it would be worth it."

I rolled my eyes at him, before I turned him around by his shoulders and pushed him over to his workstation. "Nice to know. Now get to work." I said, earning a happy chuckle from him. But he obediently went over to his work station and began to prepare it.

"So." He mumbled from across the shop. "We're the only ones on the morning shift again. Apparently the other morning shift on this rotation quit, and I just transferred to the morning shift with the other one. So right now, there are only two people with morning shift availability for our days right now."

"You transferred to morning shift?" I asked with a frown, pausing my work to look at him.

"Yeah. So I can work with you." He said, winking at me. "But also because it's more convenient. I get to be home with my mates more now."

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