Chapter 9

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Thank you for 2k on May 18th~❤


Funnily enough, I always have something to say until it actually comes time for me to say it here.

Have y'all heard topline yet? I think that that's my favorite trailer so far 😁 I really want to listen to it~~

Which one is y'all's favorite so far?



Get lit?


And which SKZ member are you losing your mind over the most in the concept photos? All of them are catching my attention, besides Seungmin and kind of Changbin. I'm waiting for one to pop~ I've been on a Seungmin run recently. I'm WAITING Seungmin 😒

Bro imagine if Seungmin actually had colored hair in one of these upcoming comeback photos. I loved his maxident hair. With the pink streaks, you know? He was so handsome. And MY GOD CHANGBIN--

Also, remember when I said I'd never read AOIO?

Yeah. I've been considering it 😶

Anyway, enjoy 😂 it's over 7k words~

Edit: Why is this #3 in omegaverse? Wtf? I just looked and it's #3 of over 20k stories--

Are we having an omegaverse story drought? This is more concerning than impressive to me--


~Chan's POV~

It had been a few hours since I had returned home. It was already past nine and Jisung wasn't back yet. Jeongin and Seungmin had arrived home a long time ago, which just made me feel more antsy. Changbin and Jisung were the only ones not back, but Changbin and Minho had the night shift--which Minho was going to leave for soon. I was hoping with all my heart that Jisung was just with Changbin and not out alone so late, but I couldn't be sure. The omega had turned off his phone, so he wasn't receiving any of my calls. And it made me worried sick.

He's my mate. My mate is out at night, and I have no idea where he is. And it's driving my alpha side crazy. I can't sleep knowing that he's not home.

It took all my will power to not get up and start pacing. I was about ready to try blowing up his phone, only for the front door to open not long later.

I ran quickly from the living room over to our entry way. I found Jisung alone at the door with two containers of food in hand, kicking off his shoes with a happy smile.

"Baby, where have you been?!" I hissed as I approached him, pulling him into a hug.

The omega purred in my arms, making me feel a bit better despite everything. "I was with Changbin hyung. We got dinner together before he has to go into work." He explained, before he stood on his toes to peck my lips. "Anyway, we have a visitor. He'll be sleeping in either your bed or mine tonight. You can choose once Changbin hyung carries him in."


I looked up at the cracked open door just as Changbin came inside. My eyes widened when I saw Felix in his arms, before I looked down at Jisung. "What is this? Why is he here?"

"He had dinner with us. He had some wine and he fell asleep on us. We don't know where he lives and he wasn't waking up, so we brought him home with us." Changbin answered as he carried Felix over to me. "He's out cold. Go put him in your room. I need to go."

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