Chapter 60

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Thank you for 207k, 208k, 209k, 210k and 211k on October 4th, 212k, 213k and 214k on October 5th, 215k, 216k and 217k on October 6th and 218k on October 7th~❤️

I'm procrastinating like a motherfucker 😃

Have fun reading this chapter 🤭


Later that day when I got back home, I immediately started to text my mates. My mother went to cook dinner and my father went to rest a bit since he wasn't feeling well, so I was left on my own with some downtime. I retreated to my room and took out my phone, and sent a text.

FelixBaby00: ❤️❤️❤️

(L)Han(EE)Jisung: BABY!

I.NNIE: 🥰❤️❤️Hi!

TheSaneOne: Hi.

GoodCop1999: Hey pumpkin🧡❤️

BadCop1998: Hey❤️

Channie: Hey baby❤️


I smiled at how quickly all of my mates responded, but I delayed my response. Mainly to get a nude like Hyunjin requested, but a teasing one that only showed just below my nipples up to my head from where I was curled up in my bed.

FelixBaby00: Hey🥰


SENDNUDES saved a picture!
BadCop1998 saved a picture!
GoodCop1999 saved a picture!
(L)Han(EE)Jisung saved a picture!
Channie saved a picture!
I.NNIE saved a picture!




TheSaneOne saved a picture!

FelixBaby00: 🥰

Channie: Are you back home now, baby?❤️

FelixBaby00: Yeah, I just got home.

TheSaneOne: Where did you go?

SENDNUDES: Oooh, why are you so curious, Seungmin~?

TheSaneOne: I hate you.

SENDNUDES: Aww, does someone want to be fucked into submission again?
I think so~🥰
I'm coming baby❤️❤️❤️




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