Chapter 83 (Pt. 2)

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~Jeongin's POV~

"If you're gonna complain, then why don't you just leave?" I grumbled as I was in the middle of signing my name on a document, sending Seungmin a glare right after I set aside a finished page my management team needed me to approve.

"Because I want to be with you. But you're really gonna do this tonight? You really don't want to go on a date with me?"

"I can't just leave this work to go on a date with you, babe. Of course I would prefer to go out with you over signing my name on endless papers. But I can't shirk my work to go on a date with my needy alpha."

He grunted at me, crossing his arms from where he stood behind me as I was sitting at my desk, ignoring the brooding alpha further whining as I looked over the documents I hadn't touched yet as fast as I could so I didn't have to be in the office all night.

"I hate it when you choose your business over me." Seungmin grumbled softly.

"I'm not choosing. I don't have a choice." I retorted. "If you're gonna be here to annoy me, will you at least go and get me a drink?"

"Are you gonna say please?" He hissed.


He huffed at me when I obliged, before he walked away with an annoyed grunt. He left the room to go to the break room's vending machine, while I thanked my moment of peace from the alpha. Though he was back pretty quickly, and set my preferred drink from the vending machine onto my coaster.

For such a big asshole half the time, he sure does prove to care in the sweetest of ways.

I never told him I liked this drink.

I smiled a little, especially when he opened it for me. I took a sip of it, before I let out a little purr when the alpha leaned down and kissed me.

"Don't be a brat." He mumbled softly, flashing his amber eyes at me as he leaned down over me to kiss me.

"You're the one being a brat." I mumbled softly, smiling a little at him. "If I finish this up fast enough, then we can go on a date afterwards, okay? So let me get my work done."

He grunted at me, but didn't respond. But he also didn't bug me anymore. Not after he got a text on his phone, diverting his attention away from me.

I didn't pay Seungmin any mind. I focused on my work, since I really would have liked to go on a date with him tonight. He walked around my desk and went to the door. I paused when I heard the door locking, but chalked it up to him just being his usual weird self. I continued to write on the papers, quietly reading through them only pausing when Seungmin returned to my side, and I saw him getting on the floor in my peripheral vision.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I asked, just as I was looking over at him. Only to pause when I saw him on one knee, holding out a ring to me.




"Uh..." I frowned.

"Marry me." He demanded.




"...Baby, we can't do that without permission from the others..."

"It was Hyunjin hyung's idea. Say yes." He demanded again.

I scoffed at him. "Are you serious? What happened to romantically asking? I can't say I expected more from you, but I didn't expect you to command it. You could at least ask politely."

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