Chapter 18

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Thank you for 12k on June 15th❤️

For reference, this takes place in 2023 so a conversation later in the chapter makes sense.

Also, for any new babies that are just now finding this story, hi! 😊 I see a lot of you guys saying you need updates. I'm glad you like the story that much! So, for reference too, I update every 4 days, and occasionally there will be a bonus chapter. As I've explained in the first one, it's an extra chapter that shows insight to some backstories mentioned 😊 but I just wanted to address that I see you. If I could, then I would update as much as I have written. But if I did, then the updates would be very irregular (when I updated as I wrote chapters in the past, I averaged a month per chapter) so, it's necessary. But, I hope you can hold on.

Thank you for reading the story! 😁

Nextly, if anyone gets confused about the timeline mentioned later in the chapter, don't be afraid to ask❤️ I can try and explain it a bit better for anyone that doesn't understand. I know it's a lot to take in.

I just realized that there are only 21 published chapters of this, but there are 300+ comments.

My god we're talkative 😂 (I say we're cause I'm like 90% sure at least 50 of those are my responses 💀)

Also, there is a breakdown of everyone's pay in the last chapter. Hyunjin makes 4k, Jisung makes 6k, Jeongin makes 3.5k, Minho and Changbin make 4k each and Chan and Seungmin make 2k each.

That means per month they're making a total of $25,500 a month.

Felix will be an RN by the end of this story, definitely. And based on my mom's paycheck (who is an RN)...

They'll be bringing in about 30k every month between the 8 of them 😶



I woke up to the sound of my name being called. I groaned softly and immediately reached for my head, whimpering softly before my eyes cracked open. To find Chan staring down at me.


"It's time to get up, baby. I made you breakfast that will help any hangovers you have from last night."

I groaned in response and rolled in his bed. I let out a whine, not wanting to bother to get up. But I obediently pushed myself out of bed and into a sitting position, only to raise my arms up expectantly, looking for Chan to carry me.

The alpha sighed, but picked me up and carried me in one arm as I clung to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and groaned softly in his ear, melting in his arms as he carried me to the kitchen where Jisung and Jeongin were curled up in Hyunjin and Seungmin's laps respectively, being fed as they battled hangovers of their own.

"Of course you brats do this on a day that everyone but Chan hyung is busy." Hyunjin grumbled as he lifted a spoon up to Jisung's lips, only to have to nudge it into Jisung's mouth as he tried to fall asleep in the alpha's lap.

"We can't sit here and baby you all day." Seungmin grumbled as he gave up on his spoon with Jeongin and just started sipping up the soup himself and spitting it down Jeongin's throat.

Chan gave the two pissy alphas pitying glances as he sat me down at the table. He gently kissed my cheek, before he motioned towards a spoon and bowl. "Can you eat for hyung?"

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