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Yay~~ some Minbin right after Changbinnie's birthday~~


I just randomly popped this up in my head and decided to do it 😅 I didn't originally plan to have this chapter in here, but I thought of it, and thought 'why not'? So here's another minbin chapter. It's got two parts 🥰 There isn't really much backstory, I just didn't really write much for the minbin bonus. So I wanted to write more. It's literally just the first time they had a threesome (without the sex sksksk) and their first kiss. And, um...🤭 you know...😏. Perfectly skippable if you aren't interested lol.


~Minho's POV~

"Hold my hand."

The new recruit, Changbin, looked at me like I was crazy the moment that I spoke to him.

I rose an eyebrow at him when he didn't do as I said.

He frowned a little at me, but awkwardly put his hand out and grabbed mine. Relief flooded the other alpha's face when he realized that I just wanted a handshake. I smirked a little at him as we shook hands, before I tightened my grip on his hand and yanked him in, giving him a hug and a hard clap on the back.

"My name is Lee Minho. You're gonna be my partner until one of us quits, so you'd best stop being nervous pretty quick, rookie. I'm gonna have your back, so I expect you to have mine. If you can do that, then we'll be best friends. Cool?" I asked as I ruffled his clean cut hair, messing up the way he had it parked. "Are you old enough to drink? I'll buy you one tonight, so clear your schedule."

He still looked at me like I was crazy, but gave me a little nod.

And with just that little encounter, the other alpha followed me around like a lost puppy.

Between the two of us, with me being twenty two and Changbin being twenty one, we were both the youngests on the team. Changbin acted like a younger brother towards me, and I held his hand as he settled in at his first job, fresh out of the academy. Quite often, we went out drinking with each other. A few times, we would even spend the night with each other and just drink and fuck around, messing with each other until we were both pissed, but fell asleep in a mess of limbs on the floor. I wasn't much of a cuddler, but Changbin always clinged to me.

It wasn't until we had known each other for a few months when things started to take a turn.

On one of our usual nights out drinking, I spotted a beautiful omega. I perked up as the small male approached the counter, and nudged Changbin a bit roughly. This wasn't a first for us, so when I spotted the omega and pointed him out to Changbin, he just looked over with an unimpressed frown. Until he laid eyes on the omega too, and they widened.

"Hey." I whispered in his ear. "That's the first time you ever looked at anything living like that." I snickered.

"Shut up, hyung." Changbin grumbled.

"Hey, it's not my fault that you don't have a working dick." I said, sticking out my tongue at him.

"My dick works fine." He hissed. "I just don't pick up every omega I see at the bar."

"Do you want to pick up that one?" I asked as I laid my hand on his thigh. I noticed a little blush on the other alpha's face when I touched him, but I figured that he was just shy.

"You saw him first."

"Yeah, I did. But what kind of alpha cares about that? Bro, do you have anything flowing down there?" I asked as I grabbed my drink and took a long sip. "If you want him, then come on." I said as I got up.

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